Lead designer Paul Boyer, producer Ray Bartos, and myself (Adam Biessener) are playing and chatting Galactic Civilizations III again on the official Stardock Twitch.tv channel. Join us tomorrow at 10am Pacific time (1pm Eastern, 7pm CET for our European friends) and spend some quality Q&A time with the Galactic Civilizations III devs!
This week's topic: ideology. Bring your questions about the system as it currently exists in the alpha, what our vision for it is, and what you can expect to see changing with it as development continues.
More importantly, ask a few questions here in this thread and we'll start off the stream with them so that we can get the discussion flowing right away.
Big thanks to ParagonRenegade for joining our stream last week! This week, we're joining a game in progress between Ray and Paul in hopes of seeing a little more action.
View our previous streams on our Twitch page, or head to our YouTube channel to catch them there if you prefer.
Thanks as always for watching, and we'll see you at the broadcast!
So On the bigger maps won`t you be able to research all three Ideology trees???Also how is Ideology different from Good,.. Neutral,.. and Evil???And how many different colonization events will there be?? or are there only Two??
How complicated can the ideology system get? Right now ideology still feels a little too barebones/simple for my taste, like a thrown-together feature instead of something more integral to the game.
One thing I'd like to see implemented is Paradox game-style random events that are based on your ideologies, or have additional options unlocked based on your ideology. Think that would add some spice to the game.
Give folks the option to not unlock ideology if they so wish if you do this.
One thing I'd like to see implemented is Paradox game-style random events that are based on your ideologies,
Also, can't help but notice I'm not playing this week :C lol
Ideology trees vs ideology web?
will there be a option that limits you to 1 ideology path vs being able to get all 3 at once? Both options have their appeal, so it would be cool to be able to toggle.
Do you plan events where the most efficient choice is benevolence/pragmatism, or do you want to keep a "malevolence is the easiest way" approach ?
Ideology: What are all the ways one will gain ideology? Is it just going to be settling planets / anomalies. Will there be ideology gained by conquering planets, or ways of diplomacy.
Planetary Assaults: Are we going to be given more options when assaulting a planet?
Nebula / Dust Clouds: What are the other features, if any, going to be attached to the nebula or dust clouds? I believe you mentioned something about a resource node inside the nebula that we will be able to harvest with a star-base. Will there be any strategic changes to these nebulas?
Asteroids: You mentioned unique resources are being added to Gal Civ, will these unique resources be manifested in surrounding asteroids?
Shipyard (ship editor): From my understanding the ship-editor works similar to Gal Civ 2, basically you have a large number of modules / objects that you piece together to manifest your coolness on a ship... will modders be able to add ship hull parts to the editor and will there be a modable filter option for these parts? i.e. Someone creates a set of Organic Hull types and someone else creates a set of Flying Pink Bunny Parts, could we create custom categories to organize these sets into their own categories?
Ships / Shipyard: In Gal Civ there were animated parts that show up on the map, will there again be animated ship-parts? How deep will the animation be allowed? Will one be able to create an animated piston to show up on the ships, or will it be limited to rotations, like before?
Combat Animations: When the combat animations are in place, are the ships going to just explode and a few pieces flying around denoting dead ship or will we see small space people flying outside the ships as well? i.e. how detailed will these explosions be, could we see a preliminary animation in the vault?
Multiplayer Limits: I noticed in a forum post that the maximum human players will be hard set to 4. What is the thinking behind this? Why a limit of 4, not 6 or 8? Will this limit be changed in a future expansion?
Sneak Peek: Could you list one unique resource to the game and what planned effects it will have on gameplay?
Black-Holes: Will the player be able to create black-holes? Will the black-holes be set anywhere or limited to changing a star?
Galaxy: What features may we expect on the strategic maps? Could we expect to find fixed worm-holes and not special anomaly ones, but a fixed wormhole of some kind?
edit: Yes I know this weeks topic is idealogy, but sometimes Paul gets off topic
First off thanks for changing the day and time this week, even though still doesn't work for me, maybe it gets several other people who weren't available the last two weeks a shot to see it live
Second, don't know if this will get in or not but, some questions I have on ideology are...
I think that's it for now...
Well, wont be able to see it live this time.
The big question so far seems to be about exploring all three and I'm going to add to that
1) why does it seem lke I am forced to make a number of choices outside of my selected ideology in order to get all the benefits of the entire ideology tree
as in if I choose to play pragmatic why should I not make a number of evil choices to unlock all the malevelent perks as well?
2) will the ideology tree scale with larger maps?
3) will I need to choose an ideology tree and stick with It In order to get the most from it?
On a side note is there another patch coming anytime in the near future or before the beta?
I imagine each of you to use different ideologies. Who ever chooses Pragmatism be sure to show it's Sovereignty practicality of the ideology compared to the dogmatic thinking of benevolent and malevolent...minor races like the drengin and altarian. Ltm.
So can you guys be sure to show how stuff unlocked by ideology can change the game. Like improvement placement, bonuses, and maybe diplomacy if you play with a AI.
(can Paul put something in the founders vault after the game so we can see what you guys think.) thanks.
I may not be able to watch the stream live, but in any case, the following are the questions I'd like answered:
Question 1: Are there plans to have more than 3 trees?
This is probably my biggest concern regarding ideologies. I think the value of distinctive ideological choices diminishes in direct proportion to how accessible and unrestricted they are--or in other words, if by mid-to-late game everyone can have every ideology, there is no advantage and no strategic purpose for the different ideologies. If certain ideological choices rule out others, this makes those choices carry a lot more meaning and strategic importance.
While I definitely agree with what has already been said (that the trees won't be exclusive as a whole (i.e. few civilizations will have purely one ideology)), I am curious if some parts of each tree will be exclusive and lock parts in the other trees.
Question 2a: Will certain elements in the trees be mutually exclusive (i.e. will certain choices rule out others)?
Question 2b: If not, why not?
Hoping it isn't just colonization/anomaly events--would love to hear insights regarding what kind of events will force ideological choices as well as if there will be events caused by ideological choices.
Question 3: What events will force ideological choices?
Question 4a: Will our choices result in random events based on our ideologies?
Question 4b: If so, what kind of events might this include?
I agree--though if the id100 document in the vault is implemented, I think the trees will definitely feel more filled out and thought through. The trees outlined there include 4 tiers, a total of 18 choices (per tree), and each would require just under 1000 points to complete.
Apart from the trees, will there be some global alingment indicator? Determined by your prevalence in any of the threes?
I would love to see good civilizations ganging againts the evil again... I think this external effect of your ideology is much needed.
This would be very cool. I haven't found a political party tab anywhere in the game so far, so perhaps things like technocracy could be implemented as ideology instead.
Damn it I'll be sleeping, ill catch the vid later today.
Yeah, political parties seem to be also missing so far. Hope the game was not "streamlined" here and they are not gone for good... :-/
Thanks for the stream guys.
glad to see the Snathi planned for DLC. I want more evil squirrels.
Well!!,.......... Apparently my username is humerus!.......... Adam, Paul and the rest there doing the stream laugh at it!!
How many have you had to add letters or numbers to your user name because it was already taken???
I`ve used it since 1998 on the net. and have used it for myself and car since 1990.I have never had to add any thing to
it unless it was a re-register
I had a 1978 Mustang 2 up till last year. that was part of where the name came form . the other part was form a mud flap
Devil name Nasty!! So now you know how the name came about.
Some of you know that I`ve been around here awhile!! other don`t!! can`t imagine what you would think
rest of above post
Darn, I didn't notice it was earlier today than previously. I so waited for this highlight of my week
Is there going to be a Youtube version much like Stream #2?
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