Does anyone know how to get a mature account with other email addresses merged with a new account created by purchasing new software under a new email address? I am trying to get support, but they keep sending me emails to manage my account. When I click on the link, it asks me to put in my email, and then it sends me the same email. I'm caught in a revolving door and can't get out. It's driving me nuts. Thanks!
If you have access to both email accounts, you can merge your registrations here:
Just be careful about Source and Destination.
Does it take 24 hours for an account to be updated? I purchased this new software Object Desktop with my new email, but it keeps telling me there is no account with that email address when I try and merge the accounts. Thanks!
My picture is not showing in the community, but it is there in the account when I click on account. That makes me wonder if the change in info might take a while. Thanks, BTW, for the feedback on this.
Clear your browser's cookies and cache and *poof* your pic will appear to you, as well.
I've seen it since answering in reply #1.
Now that one I can't answer...are you sure of the emails?
When you click on your picture in the bar at the page top and then Downloads>Object Desktop tab>View Individual Downloads do you see your Object Desktop software listed?
Hello,Sorry to hear you are having issues. If after all the steps suggested by Doc above, it still not working for you. Please raise support ticket using the link below, use the "Ask a Question" option. Include all information details. Remember to record down the ticket number for future reference if needed. Do not raise multiple ticket, that will make your ticket back to the end of the line. Send once and wait. Ticket will be answer by the order they send in.
ThanksBasj,Stardock Community Assistant
I think we aren't hearing a response is because he exhausted the limited number of responses given to new accounts, so it's unclear whether he solved the account problem.
I'm glad you supplied him with the "ask a question" link, basj. Thanks!
You welcome always Doc.
Thank you,
Basj,Stardock Community Assistant
It looks like all the old software is listed in order history, but not the Object Desktop I downloaded yesterday. I'll clear the cookies. Thanks you for the support, and I will make a support ticket if I can't get things to work.
Best of luck. Let us know what happens, ok?
All you product should be listed here: As long as all your purchase are under the same account.
I created a ticket to merge the two accounts. Thanks!
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