I was just uploading a wall and WC showed this and I had to start over
BUT I don't feel like starting over ------- Maybe later when I think
WC is becoming stable
Something happened yesterday also
Showed what, exactly?
I think they mean this, in the title:
"Wincustomize cannot handle your reqest"
I think they mean this, in the title:"Wincustomize cannot handle your reqest"
Maybe the image exceeded the size limit, or the file name had non-alpha numeric characters?
Sed, post the image size and file name, ok?
Was just our friendly WC screwing with us --???? OK NOW......................... Unless it was just the pc
GHOSTS in the MACHINE and WOW there are a lot in Win-Custome
yep worked fine
No ghosts. No malefactors. Sometimes uploads and downloads get borked by the uploader, his ISP, the downloader, servers, packet loss, etc. No need to invoke the evil Emperor, the Sith or the dark side of the Schwartz.
If there's a problem, wait a few, have a brew, then try again...if still a "no go", drop a Moderator a pm. We'll try to help correct it. A screenshot can help a lot.
There ya go.
Did someone call me! (Sith)
Someone...hit him. Please. He's psithing me off.
Now I have a purple pointer -- somehow both machines are ok, I had to fix 2 friends pc's too
Yeah. Sith Schwartz. Funny...you don't look Sithish. 😉
Get back to skinning, slacker!
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