Stardock, you would delight me and many other players if you improve the UI in the zoomed-out view. Specifically, our units are poorly visible. When zoomed out, anomalies, planets, and other things are well visible. However, if I select a ship in the upper right panel, in my opinion, the ring around the ship should flash to make it easier to locate. I mean how it's shown in the screenshots. The cursor indicates it.
This is great feedback!
Thanks for bringing this up hashshashinpl,
You're absolutely right about the Ui readability at scale needing work, including the visibility of units you brought up here. What else do you think should be improved with the ui? (I know planetary nameplates have been a hot topic for some users)
I would be happy if the flickering ring also applied to planets. If something else comes to my mind, I'll get in touch here. Now, I'm heading out to conquer the galaxy
I'm back at the speed of light. For both new and seasoned players of Galactic Civilizations IV, a helpful feature would be the following: for example, in the attached screenshot, the word 'durantium.' To find out anything about it, I have to click the magnifying glass and enter the search phrase 'durantium.' In my opinion, it would be better if the word 'durantium' were written in a different font color, and upon clicking on it, it would automatically take us to the Galactapedia. All the words in the Galactapedia could work in this simple way.
The situation here is unclear. I want to build a mining base. I'm not sure if the two resources are within its borders, even though they appear to be in the hexagonal fields. It would be helpful to have information (for example, where the yellow arrow is drawn) about which resources will be within the mining base boundaries.
Seriously when you zoom out that far leaving the objects as graphics will cause recognition problems.
I think the graphic artists did a splendid job however, I play with the maps at 100% icon and never have problems telling if a resource is "in range".
As to your are they in range question, no neither of them are but, if you put the starbase there and research Starbase modules, you will get both as SB range is +1 with that tech.
If you have already researched Modules then you will have to move one space either way.
That last line may be mistaking as I seem to recall that one of the culture perks increases SB range by one or two spaces but do not know for sure.
OP needs only to switch to Icons at 50% zoom and will be able to see all.
Please for the love of who ever you hold dearest do not mess with the zoom settings.
You didn't understand me. I want to build a mining base. I'm not sure if it will cover these two resources. There are no base icons because the base is not built yet. You wrote, 'Seriously when you zoom out that far leaving the objects as graphics will cause recognition problems.' ... The purpose of this post is precisely to improve the UI. In this case, to enhance recognition and make the UI clearer. Personally, I use a wider zoom for a quicker overview of the galaxy map. Then, of course, I return to a closer view.
No. I did understand you on the Mining base neither of those are in range but if you have not researched Starbase Modules build the SB right were your Constructor is at research SB Modules and you will get both.
The part about Icons was on your other UI concerns most of which would be solved by switching to them at about 50% zoom.
The Icons do not get to the point where you cannot tell what is what.
Exactly, you don't understand. I'm not in the base. I'm a constructor there, and I want to build a mining base. TO BUILD. Before building, I want to find out if, after clicking 'build base,' these two resources will be within the starbase's range...
No they are not both of them are one hex out side the Range the Starbase will have Go back and read the first sentence of my last post were I said exactly the same thing.
I then added the only possible way you would be able to get both in range of a Starbase where your Constructor is at.
To quote the important part of my post" if you have not researched Starbase Modules build the SB right were your Constructor is at research SB Modules and you will get both."
If you have researched SB Modules then you will need two Starbases to exploit the two resources unless there is that Culture Perk I mentioned that adds to their range.
No they are not, both of them are one hex outside the Range the Starbase will have. Go back and read the first sentence of my last post where I said exactly the same thing.
If you want to know if a SB will be in range of a resources, check if there's a dash line between the resource and the constructor. If there's a dash line, then you're in range, if there isn't then you are not.
With some research you can extend the range of a mining starbase by 4 hexes, so sometimes it's worthline to plan ahead and build your starbase just in the right spot where you'll be able to fetch more resources once you upgrade its range.
As Draver pointed out there is a dashed line depending on your race colors it’s sometimes hard to see but I think having a circle attached to the mouse cursor showing the sb influence range would even further help.
I personally use rally points to plan the placement and count the hexes. Crude but it works.
Regarding your original post your looking to have a visible ping to high light the selected object, correct? Cant recall which games have it but I can dig up some? If you recall which one post it here ai might have that game.
Yes Draver, I know, unfortunately, it is poorly visible. Turning off the nebula in the options helps. However, it would be clearer if @Illauna wrote about it. Something like a ping or a flashing ring. Maybe Stardock will fix it... or perhaps some mod creator will do it someday.
Illauna, if I'm not mistaken, in Stellaris, there is an option for pinging and locating units. It is very helpful when a lot is already happening on the map.
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