Research district gets the +4 adjacency.
But the QPU does not get the +4.
I don't know specifically about QPU, but i've noticed in my current playthrough that adjacency bonuses do not always apply immediately and sometimes start to work only on the next turn. Seems like a bug for sure.
Note that the QPU is a wealth improvement, so it does not benefit from research adjacencies. One can of course ask why it is wealth instead of research, but this might explain what you're seeing.
But it clearly says + 1 research, not wealth, isn't it ?
Look back at your screenshot. Right beneath the QPU title it says Wealth Improvement. Seems like it should be Research, but it's not.
Yea, think it should be changed to research.
Under the title of the improvement it says Wealth Improvement. So it gets adjacency bonuses from wealth not research. It gives +1 adjacency to research. My guess is it is mislabeled and needs to be fixed.
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