I verify/validate the files before each play of the game.
I just updated the files.
The IE is still unplayable.
I installed GC4 SN and it is playable but still has some of the same problems.
Is there anything that I can do to solve this problem?
I am so very sad.
I did the same (IE then base game install) and have the same issues.
Any idea when a fix will be out?
This was fixed in 2.2.
VER 2.2.503157
First screen capture shows missing (hidden) icons for the ship actions.
Second capture shows the black on black or missing text in ver 2.2.
I did a full remove of the insiders edition and a fresh install of GC4SN 'safe' version.
Version 2.2 after verifying the files.
Started a new game.
So for fun, I tried playing a default Terran Alliance no changes. Every thing seemed ok!?!
I rebooted and tried default Terrans again and still ok. Then I tried a custom civ and the issue with text and ship icons came back.
So at this point the issue seems related to using a custom civ.
Perrya555 could you try using the default Terran Alliance and see if you still have the issue with them? Are you using a custom civ or modified base civ?
This is a really weird one. I've never seen it in any Insiders release and I only play my custom Civ. Could it have something to do with the colors you selected for your custom civs?
No idea, I was hoping someone else could reproduce the issue.
I'm going to delete the civ(s) and recreate under 2.2.
Unless it was made under base super nova game (1.2 I think), then when I removed all the gc4 (base, SN insider and SN base), and reinstalled only SN safe/base version of 2.2.5 it was downloaded on sync with EPIC.
I deleted all the custom civs and created a new one under 2.2.
It seems to be working fine after a short check. I used Terran color schemes and ships.
OK, now to actually play a game with the new 2x goodies .
My suggestion would be to check out your custom civ and try setting its colors there?
My custom civ
You can clearly see my problem comparing Cultural Focus.
Any suggestions as to which color setting(s) are at play here?
Thank you.
Thank you so much for your help!
So I created a new civ just like my old one and had no issues.
Using a prior version saved civ in 2.2 appears to be the cause.
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