As I do at various times, I post a special card to all at Stardock and WinCustomize...
This year I (and to be brutally honest, DALL-E) made this card for you all. Just to wish you a Happy Hanukkah which while celebrating a miracle (a day's quantity of oil burning for eight days), it really celebrates bringing light into our lives at times of darkness and suggests rededicating ourselves to higher purposes. While spiritual, it really isn't a religious holiday.
So to all who are ill, unhappy, feeling cold inside or distanced from loved ones or the community, I hope to bring and share light and warmth. In so many ways you are my second, larger family.
Thanks for all you do: The art, the advice, the humor, and the help you give me and everyone else.
Happy Hanukkah, "We come to drive out darkness."
Happy Hannukah Doc, and the same to all who celebrate!
That has to be one of the most powerful sentences I've ever read. Happy Hanukkah Doc.
Happy Hanukkah and holidays, Tom and Dave...light and happiness to you.
Happy Hanukkah!
That time of the year again already?
You'll be telling me Christmas is coming soon next...
Thanks, Jan.
Well...I have heard rumors to that effect...
Thanks, Chas...
To you Seth and everyone!!
Thanks, Barb. Just had to duck into the shelter - missile warning. But all's well...I heard Jafo heave a sigh of relief that he won't have to pay the advertising for a new Mod...I think...but it could have been a sigh of disappointment.
Glad you're safe Seth! Keep it that way!🤞
He sure would be!
What matters most is I was missed by the blokes what launched 'em.
Thanks, Tom. That was very kind.
Happy Hanukkah, Doc!
Thanks, Reap.
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