Ok so I'm a long time GalCiv player, all the way back to the first Gal Civ I. I've played them all, a lot, from GC I to IV (even though III was a huge disappointment to me). I haven't played in probably around six months to a year, but I was pretty happy with GC IV a few months after it's release. I'm just looking for some feedback from fellow long time Gal Civ players.
Is GC IV Supernova worth getting? Does it really bring something new and interesting to the table? Or am I fine sticking with regular IV for now? I'm sure I am going to get it eventually regardless, but I will probably just wait for one of those big sale things if Supernova isn't something spectacular.
Thanks in advance for any feedback.
And please keep it civil. If you don't like it, just say why; no need to trash talk anything.
I have been playing for a long time also.
I bought GC4 by mistake trying to buy supernova (SN). I played GC4 very little. I thought it was very bad and that it was a beta of SN. The next day I realized I bought the wrong version. I upgraded to SN.
I think SN is much better then GC4. It seems to be heading in some interesting directions.
Since you already have GC4 I think you can still buy the upgrade. I'm not sure what happens with the price and upgrade options after it becomes live on the 19th (tomorrow).
I have about ~500 hours logged on the game and if you are a fan, I think it would be worth getting at the upgrade price.
I go back to GalCiv I so I guess that qualifies me as a longtime player. I bought the base GalCiv IV game when it came out and while I enjoyed it, I would say it was basically just a prettier version of previous games. I got into the Supernova beta when it came out and I've been testing and commenting on all the new features Stardock has been working on. I will tell you that there has been a tremendous amount of effort put in by the Stardock team to make this version of GalCiv a different experience. I think they've done a very good job and would recommend upgrading to Supernova to everyone playing the base game.
Here are 2 posts by Frogboy that contain some helpful info.
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