When GalCiv3 first came out I was so excited to see hex shaped tiles. But now that GalCiv4 has been announced, I find myself nostalgic for the old square tiles. Any other squares out there or am I crazy?
I like the hex
I have some nostalgia for squares, but I think it's due to my having even more nostalgia for GC for OS2. I think hexes are objectively better for gameplay.
I thought I remembered a post that GalCiv IV wouldn't have squares or hexes? Am I just making that up? I thought maybe it was on the steam forums. I wasn't sure how that would work, so glad to see the hexes are retained.
rose tinted glasses. in my opinion the two best 4x games are Sid Meyer's Alpha Centauri, and GCII both of which had squares. However, the squares did not make them better than they would have been with hexes... I think the hex map makes more sense in a lot of ways.So... I miss the feeling of games with squares... but I like the hex maps better.
I remember that version. I've had all the versions, looking forward to #4
Why is my question. I wouldn’t care either way as long as I can turn them on so I can see them. It helps me auto move.
I don't like how you can't move in a straight line on the hexes. It's like a squiggle line snaking back and forth. Just a cosmetic detail but it looks silly to me.
that was more a presentation of the movement that the early GCIII engine did... later versions corrected that so it was not squiggles.Hex grids have three axis lines where movement is actually direct, Square only have two so you actually have more snaking to move at an angle in a square grid..
I'm hoping we get an option to change from hexes to triangles just for the heck of it....
Whats the big deal about hex? Is it better than squares?
Hexes are generally much better than squares for handling movement. The issue is diagonals. Squares have diagonals and it causes distance weirdness if diagonal moves are the same as straight moves. Hexes eliminate that entirely.
Admittedly, it's a fairly minor concern and wasn't a problem in older 4x games, but in general I've found hex-based movement to work out better overall.
Solution.... Free Range, eliminate hexes, squares, and triangles (as these are the shapes that fit together nicely) instead Just distance based on ship speed. Think (Space Rangers 2 HD). This is turn based but no tiles, just free range.
I have absolutely zero to base this on other than a feeling (and having been playing GC since maybe 93 or 94 on OS/2 before big blue screwed the pooch).
My gut feeling is that it won't have tiles at all.
Edit: Okay, let me clarify. It may have internalized "tiles" which might be one distance unit of measurement, but I don't think it'll have tiles in a traditional/conventional sense.
With today's GPUs and CPUs, memory speed and bus transfer rates, disk transfer rates (thank you USB 3.2, NVMe and SSD) 'tiles' are a legacy left over from board gaming. A handful of games have tried true 3d space simulations, but I honestly think in the last couple years we've gotten to the point where we could actually simulate on PCs a game playable multi-thousand body system in 3d. Which calls for something different in terms of navilocation.
Nope, I don't miss them. Not that I hated the squares, but I didn't love them, either.
I personally like hex better. It allows more freedom of movement in my opinion.
Hexes are just better (so long as the "squiggly movement" is handled). 1.4 for a diagonal move on squares (to make it fairly accurate) is more confusing.
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