If you could add a new planet type to the GalCiv universe, what would it be?
Forgive me if I repeat some already present, I'm using the wiki to filter out ideas.
That's it for now, might add some later.
Here's one I'm sure everyone will hate for various reasons - ruins "immersion", difficult for the AI to use etc etc - but, off the top of my head:
Precursor Intelligence Planet: A planet that can be communicated with by a Player via Techs (Races find it deep down in the Colonization Tree, but it takes A. Long. Time to research it). I considered making this Precursor Intelligence Communication an Ability, but it's a bit ridiculous having an Ability you might not get to use if there's no Planet of this type to be found.
Essentially: Once you colonize a Precursor Intelligence Planet, and have/get the Tech (which you have to research first, like with you do before colonizing Extreme Planets), you can tell the PIP to prioritise Wealth, Ship Production etc etc and it increases the output available in that field by a factor of it's PQ (ie a PQ4 Precursor Intellgence Planet gives a particular Area a 4 X boost that you can use to say, finish research, finish your planetary upgrades elsewhere, quick-build your New Battlecruiser, etc). And you don't ever have to worry about producing buildings on it, finding resources to upgrade this thing, improve that thing on it. Economic Starbases? Use them for one of your lesser planets. Citizens can go to another planet. Leave your PIP to itself.
There could be two drawbacks to stop it being OP:
1 What I said about not worrying about building improvements? You can't build on the Planet. So the planet's Ability to withstand Culture Flip and Invasion is non-existent. The only way to defend it is a ring of super Military Starbases or big military ships guarding it. Best have your bcs to quickbuild/very good production infrastructure available before you colonize it.
2 Everytime it's Precursor Power is used, it has a cooldown period of a period four times it's PQ - so, the PQ 4 Precursor Intelligence Planet gives a Huge Boost to Wealth of 4, then sleeps for 16 Turns. You'd maybe want to make the cooldown period longer/shorter to balance with galaxy size, number of planets etc in any given game. A "More planets = more chance of finding a Precursor Intelligence Planet = longer downtime period" type of balancing.
Just another idea that I think would help Tall Empires thrive.
TL;DR: Citizens increase a certain specialization by a Percentage forever if you want them to. This is a Planet that increases a specialization by the Factor of it's PQ once every certain number of turns.
A couple I miss from two were part 26, and one that started out with a planet quality one... that upgrades to a class 16
I wouldn't add a planet type at all. I think planets could be a lot more interesting if they were distributed along a few parameters like temperature, humidity, gravity. Then there could also be special traits that make some planets stand out and make them better at specific things. The basic traits however could also be used for planets less suitable for habitation and each race would have their own preference and terraforming tech would allow you to change these traits.
For example Torians would like a very humid world so if they would like to make a specific world without a lot of water into a big population centre they would need to ship a lot of water there. Maybe the Torians picked that planet because it's system already has the water somewhere else or maybe they're willing to ship it from far away. Terraforming of this kind could also come with visual cues like the planet changing appearance. Spore, despite its many flaws had fun terraforming mechanics that would also fit the sandbox experience of GalCiv I think. I also think that it would be interesting to have some sort of mechanic that allows planets or even systems to work together, like linking them in some way. GalCiv 2 and 3 both had loads of planets that served no purpose while maybe they could house specific outpost buildings. Perhaps a heavy gravity world would make for an excellent location to train ground troops even if the race that owns the planet doesn't like living on heavy gravity worlds.
Honeycomb style world that allows you to build in vast pockets around the interior of the planet
Hollow sphere world that allows buildings on both the planatory crust and on the inside around a hollow core
Giant spike mountain world that has a giant mountain sticking out of the atmosphere giving you a free space elvator bonus for ship building and trade good transport
Green planet that has one ecosytem that is just one plant... that spreads to other planets around the sector from space ships travelling that slowly chokes life on all the other planets that requires massive resource shift to eradicate or lose the sector affecting all species in a certain quadrent. If not stopped in time makes the planets in that area unusable till a solution is researched down the line or the planets are scorched down to crust requiring intensive re terraforming to bring back to useability
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