Randomly found a game on youtube recently, which caught my attention...have to say at last, cause lately, i have not seen literally anything, that would make me be like whoa, thats exactly what i want, that is so cool and exciting, just bring it on already! There is Homeworld 3 coming, but that one is like 2 years away probably...and apart of that, nothing. Yesterday i bought CnC Remastered and as i suspected, played it for half an hour and now i have no urge to play again...its pretty in hi-res, but otherwise same old game, there is nothing to surprise me about it.
Anyway, check the attached video of Falling Frontier. It looks sort of like Sins, but in sort of "Expanse" setting. Tough to judge gameplay, its definitely space 4x/RTS game, but probably somewhat more complex compared to Sins (there seems to be some fuel mechanic in place, more emphasis on "logistics") and the scope is probably gonna be somewhat smaller (still in orbits of multiple stellar objects, but probably with less units to command, them being more precious and difficult to replace)... and then there are the aesthetics! It looks absolutely gorgeous, the detailed unit models, those planet textures, the overall feeling... i hope if there is ever Sins II, this is the graphics fidelity i expect from it. Very, very, very pretty game...and with quite a nice ambient soundtrack too. Will be keeping tabs on this one, personally.
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