So I just saw this today.
Beyond A Steel Sky was one of those classic adventure games that seems to slip between the cracks of the two juggernauts in the room (Lucasarts and Sierra). However, I was lucky to have been one of those kids who got to play it growing up. Whilst it certainly had its flaws there was a surprising charm to it and echoes of it can be felt in some future titles including a modern favourite of mine Technobabylon.
I wonder if anyone else here has played it and what do you think of the news about a sequel being made today?
Unfortunately, Beneath a Steel Sky is one of those games I missed out on. With this announcement, it looks like I need to find a copy of the original game to prepare for its upcoming sequel.
Thanks for the heads up!
It's FREE!
Aaaaaaaand "bought"!
Adding it to my account brought up Rise of the Dragon as a recommended game. Man - that game was fantastic if you never played it. Dynamix was one of my favorite adventure game publishers ever.
I think Dynamic at their peak for me was the backstory they did for the third Earthsiege game, Starsiege.
I have to check that one out as well.
Another one of my favorites was The Adventures if Willy Beamish. I picked it up on GOG recently and decided to go the a-hole route from the beginning. I think I reached the game over screen in as little as 3 clicks.
One minute I'm showing my detention teacher my frog Horny, the next, I'm getting my hair clipped off and bring sent to military school. 😆
Let me know what you think.
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