An update on me. Just got back from seeing my cancer doc. Mine is stage 3b adenocarcinoma. Non small cell lung cancer and I'm going to be treated systemically (I think that's what it's called) with Keytruda. My doctor says the markers needed are there, which is a good thing. However being that it is stage 3 it won't go away forever and I'll have to deal with it as is. I'm going to be getting a port installed (good choice of words?) beneath my right shoulder simply because it'll be easier than sticking a needle in my arm every time they need a sample or to inject medication. Hence my reference to Borg because I feel like one. My doctor also wants a CT scan to have a look inside mine head. Why I dunno because I told him there ain't much there, if anything, to see but he insisted. Fortunately my adopted daughter Jessie has taken control over the whole shebang because I doubt I'd be able to follow half of what all those doctors I've seen had to say. Tell you that girl is worth her weight in gold. She is so meticulous and keeps track of every little detail. So this is where I'm at. It remains to be seen how long it all lasts. But I are positive and don't intend to stress it, that will only make things worse. So first a pacemaker then a port. What could come next? Peanut gallery comments welcome.
Uvah, I'm 66 as well. We are BOOMERS. I've been following your Borgness. Glad to hear that things are improving for you. Compared to your problems I'm lucky but I realize how quickly things can change. I need a hernia repair and the circulation in my legs ain't good. Smoked cigarettes for many years. Also I've been out of work since December and I'm getting pretty heavy. Today I started an exercise regime. Hope I can keep at it. Walking. I used to run but those days are long gone. They say walking is just as good as running. I walked 2 miles today and during the first mile I felt it! Second mile was better. Could have walked farther but my thought was to increase a wee bit at a time. To make a long story short the 1952 people need to take care of themselves. Hope things keep improving for you Mr. Ross.
Yup, we're the Boomers alright. And yes things are looking up. Shame Mark had to go through all that. I was lucky, when I got to the ER last Sunday night it was less than ten minutes before I was taken inside and started on a one hour breathing treatment. Then an X-ray, a cat scan, which gave me a panic attack because I was unable to breathe lying flat. An hour later I'm in my room, comfortable and on my way to dreamland. That was at three in the morning. My daughter was exhausted and she had to work at eight am.
An update on me:
Just spoke to my oncologist today. The radiation is doing its job on the right side of me however the cancer has spread and is affecting the left side now. Further treatment is not going to help therefore my condition is......Terminal. Weeks perhaps months to go and I bet my doctor a penny, all he has to bet with, that I can stretch it out. Where I go from here is anyone's guess. So if somewhere down the line you don't hear from me for a bit you'll know why. All my love to you guys at WC and SD for all of everything up to and including my weirdness.
Ross... crap. So sorry to hear.
Can't even begin to imagine what you must be feeling.
Sorry to hear this Ross, but don't worry, you'll be well taken care of in Heaven when your time comes.
I plan on keepin' 'em waitin'. Lol
Argh, not what any of us were hoping for. I've never been able to decide if advance notice of the journey would be a blessing or a curse, a little of both I suppose. Hang tough.
Ohmigosh, this is serious. I will definitely pray for you.
In light of this situation, damm the political correctness, being seen as "proselytizing", or getting along with other religions/non-religions by dancing around the subject. I pray not just for your health, but that you know Jesus Christ. He will take your hand and show you the way to the next life, in peace. John 8:51 in the Bible says, "Truly, truly I tell you, if anyone keeps My word, he will never see death." It doesn't mean you will never die--only that you will never see it. You will be like, "Wait. I'm dead? But I'm not!"
Look to Jesus, man!
p.s. to the mods of this forum, sorry about the religion thing; this situation is extenuating.
My thoughts and prayers will be with you through your journey, no matter how short, or long it will be Ross, you're a great person with a sense of humor, great qualities my friend.
Very sorry to hear this Ross. My thoughts are with you.
Many thanks for your thoughts and prayers my friends.
@tetleytea...Though I'm not a religious person all I can say is I'll be too busy tokin' on a joint to notice. Thank you.
Dang Don, leave some room for the rest of us!
OMG Ross I just read this, I am so sorry I thought you had this fixed. My prayers are with you my friend.
Very sorry about this. I hope your remaining days are as happy and comfortable as your sense of humor indicates they will be. May the road rise up to meet you.
Must have been heavy on the "return" key. LOL
My illnesses can make life miserable at times, but for the most part I'm not too bad off. Nothing I have is terminal, Ross, unlike you my poor old mate. You are a bloke I much admire and respect, especially during the crazy times. We have sure had some great times together and I hope that we have many, many more as the comic duo of WC.
For now, old mate, be at peace and take care of yourself.
Yeah we will cap'n. Gots a long ways to go yet so pucker up and chase them damsels what ain't in distress yet.
Yeah, I'll do the puckering up orright, in distress or not, them damsels, that is, but you gotta get down all sneaky-like and tie their left and right shoe laces together, otherwise I'll be puckering up to fresh air as they will have already made their getaway.
Very sorry to see the latest update, Ross.
You're taking these news very bravely, as I figured you would. Hope you (and the rest of us, as well), enjoy every second of the time remaining to us all.
sorry to hear about your prognosis. don't forget to upload your consciousness to the stardock servers, whether brad wants it or not.
Wouldn't that be something......the gremlins wouldn't dare come back. My weirdness would drive them bonkers.
So here's another update on me. Not too shabby a one this time. Starts out kinda morbid though . Lol
On June third went to Chester County for my seventh radiation treatment. turned out to not be such a comfortable one. Had a difficult time of it. My oncologist Dr. Klonski saw me on the fourth for what was to be my eighth and was none too pleased with the way I looked. He ordered his nurse to take me directly to the ER and from the to the Critical Care Unit. I was until Sunday morning at four am when they decided to transfer me to HUP (Hospital at the University of Pennsylvania). It make CCH look like a playpen. HUGE! Went NPO, no food no drink for little more than thirty six hours waiting on another brochoscopy, one that failed at CCH which prompted the transfer. It was thought a stent would work but was quickly ruled out. So a partial solution. Instead of the remaining five radiation treatment one final big push they called it, one high dosage lastting five minutes then that would be the last of them. The rest is medication to insure my breathing and getting regular treatments every four hours with a duoneb, sodium chloride, Lorazepam to sleep, oxycordone for pain from coughing too much, plus a steady diet if you will of prednizone, the leading culprit behind all this nonsense. All my doctors agreed that it the up and down dosages of the predizone that was causing the issues. Now that I'm back home, five times in the hospital alone this year is five times too many IMO, I now have more or less under control. I got a hospice team now, my daughter who literally went out of her way to do shit plus a better understanding of this whole damn thing. All I know now is that the comfort level is a good del better than it was. I'm home with family and people I love my cats and whose got it better than that. Stayed tuned for more silliness.
More updates, man. Need updates.
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