I know I'm not as active as I once was but I'm lurking daily.It's crazy that the babiies of memebers when I started out here are now in high-school.Great products brought me here and great people kept me here.
Many thanks to T-Man, _Andrew, Nickie, SexyMat, KarmaGirl, Nakor, and of course Frogboy for all they've done at the WinCustomize and Stardock forums.
I think you did GREAT Pat. I don't think T-Man was EVER that skinny!
Looks real good Pat. I didn't even realise it wasn't my logo till I looked closely!
Zu, you're in trouble now!! lol
I'm taking you off my Christmas list!
I made you a new avatar Pat...............
16 Years for me .
I just started working my new job at Circuit City as the Computer Guy and we had
demo Computers on line for customers to play with and test .
I played on them too and found Wincustomize site and started downloading some
goodies in our demo PC's , then people asked me about them and some of the other
salesmen ask me too ........... Oh I like that how do I get that on my PC ?
and that's how I started and still going on Wincustomize 16 years later.
I don't deserve this abuse!
Hubba hubba...
Haven't I seen that on a mudflap somewhere?
Hey Publius of NV. Congrats on the M.V.P.
Honor Blackman or Diana Rigg? ....
Thanks! If I recall it showed up on the forums at some point while I was beta testing SC:O.
1/2 a Score and seven years ago ZubaZ' own four farters introduced him to Skinning and WinCustomize.
We own a lot here to ZubaZ for remining us, we skin everything here.....especially members, admin and coders.
And for this occasion I thought I would share a photo of ZubaZ as he was leaving the site after his first day of skinning.
I don't remember when I started skinning . . but this was my first upload: https://www.wincustomize.com/explore/desktopx_widgets/368/
This was the first thing I uploaded taht was any sort of artistic: https://www.wincustomize.com/explore/wallpapers/31968/ (totally making fun of ALL the aero skins being uploaded at teh time.
He's never looked so good to me.
Poking about . . I am still in the top 10 list for some categories on WC.Crazy.
Lot of people not active as they once were...
Just looked at my profile July 2001 DAMN!! Over 17
I have always been here...
<------ They're a bit of a give-away ....
THEN.... it shall be
I didn't get an emoticon because it was considered R rated.
You can have this one.
Twelve years for me.
I would never be even ASKED for a personal one.. I feel like a black sheep here sometimes
Well I bought Galactic civilizations 1 the gold edition, but didn't play it didn't know I needed a serial number. Expected it to install off the disk like games are supposed to. I did buy Galactic civilizations 2 Dark Avatar, and installed it in 2007. That makes both 11, and 12 years for me.
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