Happy Anniversary, Galactic Civilizations III!
The story of Galactic Civilizations has been around for 24 years - can you believe that? Yeah, neither can we. Let's reflect!
When our CEO Brad created Galactic Civilizations from his dorm room at Western Michigan University, he had no idea that it would lay the groundwork for Stardock growing into what it is today. He was just looking for a pay to pay the bills while he went to school - he didn't expect to launch his own gaming company!
Although Stardock has made many other titles throughout the years, everything comes back to Galactic Civilizations, the thing that started it all. Let's take a look at some side-by-side screenshots and see how the game has grown and evolved.
Let's start with one of the most beloved (ok, not beloved, but definitely most recognizable!) races, the Drengin.
Brad wrote a blog post awhile back showing the progression of the Drengin race throughout the years, but let's just take a quick look at a "then" and "now" photo of Lord Kona:
Lord Kona has aged since his GalCiv I days! Must be all the pressure of guiding his people while overthrowing enemy empires and eating their leaders.
All of the classic GalCiv races have seen some upgrading throughout the years. Take a look back at the old image below of the racial selection screen and see how far they've come:
Stardock has always been supportive of modding so we found a way to include tools for our players right in the game itself. Original GalCiv may have had the map, scenario, and campaign editors, but GalCiv II pioneered the ship builder feature. This of course made its way into its successor, GalCiv III. We're constantly in awe of our community's creations using this tool!
The Ship Builder from GalCiv II vs the Ship Builder from GalCiv III
UI, trade screens, research screens, and so much more have seen a lot of refining over the years. With every game, expansion, and DLC that we release, we've learned what our players need and have done our best to give it to them. Below are a few more screenshots of GalCiv I, II, and III.
GalCiv I Map vs GalCiv III Map
GalCiv I Research Robot vs GalCiv III Research Robot
GalCiv I Senate and Elections vs GalCiv III Senate and Elections
Thanks for celebrating 24 years of Galactic Civilizations with us! To keep up with what Stardock's doing, follow us on Facebook or Twitter , and join us on Twitch every Tuesday at 4pm ET!Own GalCiv III and want to check out the latest expansion? Get it here.
*Sale ends May 18, 2018 at 1PM ET and valid direct from Stardock only. Steam is required to play this game.
I prefer the old artwork, except with the Torians. Too bad it wasn't polished up to today's standards instead of overhauling.
24 years of Galciv, that's impressive!
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