I'm a new player & been in the forums since 3/06. I'm fascinated with Brad Wardell, the dev & designer of Ashes' Lore article of 2/24/16 (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/video-games/16835-Ashes-of-Singularity-Post-Humans.2#&gid=gallery_5913&pid=1) wherein he credits Intel Corp. for generating his wonderful idea of Turinium ( I wonder why he didn't name it Intelium, or it may be a trademark infringement ); "WHAT IS TERINIUM: To understand Turinium one needs to first understand Moore's law and the general concept of computing power doubling every 18 months. In 2015 Intel released a new CPU architecture called Skylake. It uses a 14nm process. In early 2021, Intel released the 5nm architecture called "Tiger Lake" that was half that size. Eventually, these architectures reached their smallest possible physical size. This best possible form of computing matter was named Turinium. At that point, how much one had of this material was the measure of ones wealth. Even in a post-scarcity economy human beings still craved more." See http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/video-games/16835-Ashes-of-Singularity-Post-Humans. Pure genius I declare! From there Brad further creates ASHES OF THE SINGULARITY by inventing the PHC ( post-human coalition), and Quantum Streaming, and then proceeds to originate the three (3) doctrines of planetary Trinium conversion: 1. Nanoprepping. 2. Turinium Generation. 3. The Nexus. WOW! I can't believe that the Oxford Internet dictionary's tertiary definition of singularity "A hypothetical moment in time when artificial intelligence and other technologies have become so advanced that humanity undergoes a dramatic and irreversible change" is coincidental to Brad's hypothesis. Do we? Bravo Brad.
Just saying.
Obviously, you never played Warzone 2100 (RTS game), it is all about The Nexus, and this was made way back in 1999!
According to wikipedia, this use of the word singularity dates back to the 1980's. The first version of this wikipedia article dates back to 2005.Just saying.
Are you a bot who has taken over someone's old account?
My point was not the use of the word singularity, but rather it's meaning. No other online dictionary but Oxford defines singularity using Brad Wardell's Idea & explanation.
No no, the technological singularity is the definition he's referring to. Singularity as a word came out in the fourteenth century. But the usage you're referring to (A point in which the evolution of technology outpaces humanity's capability to keep up) has been around since the 1950's (Von Neumann was the first to utilize it in such a manner), when talks of AI were first entering serious debate. The concern there, was that in creating AI that were either capable of creating other AI, or of evolving themselves, they would eventually hit a distinct point where they would begin optimizing themselves quicker than humanity could adapt and defend against. That specific moment - that singularity - becomes the exact point where humanity is no longer the dominant lifeform on the planet.
I am humbled and enlightened RomeoReject standing corrected, but in no way does my error contradict the fact that Oxford's online dictionary is the only one that defines singularity using Brad Wardell's Ideas & explanation, nor does it decrease the genius and brilliance of Brad. Do you agree?
Don't speak in third person, Brad.
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