I figured I'd ask before I went to the trouble:
has anyone tried making a tech that has more than one prerequisite tech? I know how to program it in the .xml, but I'm wondering if it will actually work that way in the real game, and, perhaps as critically, will it crash the tech tree viewer?
Any guidance would be awesome!
i know i have seen multiple prerequisite tech but that was pre crusade. Not at gaming machine so i can't tell you where
The ends game techs.
If you have multiple prerequisites the game engine will duplicate the tech tree at each prerequ tech. At least it did in the origonal.
The only valid multiple prerequisites are specilization techs.
Thank you all so much! This helps a lot, and means I can afford to put more effort and realism into my planet mod!
As always, you guys are the best!
Wondering if it is possible to make two tech line that mutually exclusive? Would take another twist that if you take line A then the entire line B that offered difference thing will be lock up.
In theory you can do this by using the specialization techs. One branch would have spec1 as its prerequisite, branch 2 would have spec2 etc.
Have you been able to do this? IIRC, this does not work... but I haven't tried again too recently.
One quasi-alternative is to use a mix of techs and planetary improvements or starbase modules to create the desired effect. You can assign base planetary improvements and starbase modules to specialization techs, and then award the upgrade(s) going forward, creating a unique line of improvements/modules based on a specialization.
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