1.61 Update Change Log (Released 3/3)
Hello!We've addressed numerous bugs both with Mercenaries and the base game. In addition, we have made a few tweeks to the Starbase module bonuses.
Some nice fixes in there! I especially like this one:
Re: shipyards. I'd still like to be able to choose the tile it launches into like in GC2.
Re: Bugs. I hope someone can take a look at Aquatic World Mastery since I wasted quite a few turns of research last night to go in the direction to get it and it does nothing to help my 5 captured aquatic previously Torian worlds. I thought it was supposed to remove that -50% raw prod. penalty!
Looks like the Military Ring range bonus as been lowered by 2, not 1.
Also looks like the Acrean's starbase range has been lowered by 1 as well.
The types are fixed, but the (range over mass) ratio progression is still flawed. This means that ships of equal tech, but equipped with inferior life support modules are superior in range and firepower. Since the AI always equips the most advanced tech for its ship designs this mean that once beyond 'Environmental Support' the AI ship design will consume (pro-ratio) more and more mass per range leaving less and less mass for the rest (like weapons, armour, etc...).
Example (just using base values):
The rangerclass with (as defined in the ship template) 3 "Deep Space Support" modules will consume 3x9 = 27 (ShipRange) Mass points for a range of 3x15 = 45. However using 5 "Environmental Support" modules instead of 3 "Deep Space Support" modules will consume 5x5 = 25 (ShipRange) Mass points for the same range of 5x9 = 45.
Now a difference of 2 (before all modifiers) does not sound like much, but on a Ranger which has a mass cap of 75 that is 2.67%. And 2.67% strength difference per ship does add up. When you play against 10 Godlike AI (standard races) plus the max number of minors, you should feel you are winning because of superior tactics and strategy not because the AI is crippling itself.
The XML values:
Highlighted in grey the values from the XML, in red the ratio that are responsible for the problem.
Possible solution:
Highlighted in yellow the values that need to be changed (for example with proposed working values) so that the ratios will have a better progression.
Please fix this. This is a known problem since Beta 2. And you have promised multiple times on the forum and in the dev streams (and chat) to fix this. While you have changed certain values for the life support modules the relative ratios are still broken.
Please better optimization Galciv3 ! I have a low framerate when moving camera within Nebula and Clouds!
To change the Arcean setting back modify this value from 6 to 7:
<Stats> <EffectType>StarbaseRange</EffectType> <Target> <TargetType>Starbase</TargetType> </Target> <BonusType>Flat</BonusType> <Value>7</Value> </Stats>
Found in the EXP_1StarbaseDefs file inside of <your game directory> : DLC : EXP1_Mercenaries : Game
Did you change Mercenary prices? they seem a lot higher now, in the 3k range for #4 for T1
The "Merc inflation rate" was raised by 5, so I'd say so.
1.6: <MercenaryHireInflationRate>0.10</MercenaryHireInflationRate>
1.6.1 <MercenaryHireInflationRate>0.5</MercenaryHireInflationRate>
There are caps to them (a single hike can never go more than 1000 credits, for instance), but, yeah. They went up.
Going to have go with a big thumbs down here... sticker shock has put me off mercenaries completely. Maybe try a .2, .25, or .3 next build?
I strongly recommend keeping Merc prices the same throughout the game. In general they cost too much for what they provide anyhow and the inflation makes this much worse.
I think this is broken then. A Merc I wanted was 750. I buy 1 Merc (Txlrp), the 750 ship is now 1750. Buy a second ship, the 750 ship is now 2750.
600 -> 1600 -> 2600
1200 -> 2200 -> 3200
Didn't make a save first, but I do have an autosave.
1.6.1 opt in
this bug is still there:https://forums.galciv3.com/464376/page/1/#3622202
Aquatic planet specialization is not working right now.
The "Merc inflation rate" was raised by 5, so I'd say so.1.6: <MercenaryHireInflationRate>0.10</MercenaryHireInflationRate>1.6.1 <MercenaryHireInflationRate>0.5</MercenaryHireInflationRate>There are caps to them (a single hike can never go more than 1000 credits, for instance), but, yeah. They went up.
That wasn't intentional. It was supposed to be 0.05, not 0.5. We'll fix it
Can you be more specific?
Forgive me if I am wrong but now it seems even LESS of a reason to build a Military starbase now.
What is the consensus on this?
When you research Aquatic World Mastery specialization as a non Torian race it does nothing. No bonus to production, and no tourism bonus.
I think there's a missing <OverrideOr>true</OverrideOr> in that xml for Aquatic Worlds. At least comparing the Ultimate Adaptability section with the Mastery section for Aquatic Worlds.
Currently the relevant section of the xml (found in PlanetTraitDefs.xml) is:
<ExtremeTypeModifier> <Prerequ> <Techs> <Option>ColonizationFocus1</Option> </Techs> <RaceTrait> <Option>AmphibiousAbility</Option> </RaceTrait> </Prerequ> <Modifier> <EffectType>ProductionPoints</EffectType> <Target> <TargetType>Colony</TargetType> </Target> <BonusType>Multiplier</BonusType> <Value>0</Value> </Modifier> <Modifier> <EffectType>GoodsAndServices</EffectType> <Target> <TargetType>Colony</TargetType> </Target> <BonusType>Multiplier</BonusType> <Value>0.25</Value> </Modifier> <Modifier> <EffectType>Tourism</EffectType> <Target> <TargetType>Colony</TargetType> </Target> <BonusType>Multiplier</BonusType> <Value>0.25</Value> </Modifier> </ExtremeTypeModifier>
it probably should be:
With the difference bolded and highlighted.
Near as I can tell, the game thinks one needs BOTH Aquatic World Mastery and the Aquatic Race trait to be able to get those benefits.
Thanks for the report, this will be fixed in next patch.
FYI we've updated the opt-in with Paul's fix and a few more.
good job SD, can finally build my mega support ship. Tested and working fine
The AI is not invading on larger maps. It keeps its transport in or around the shipyard. It will be perpetually at was with a minor AI but rarely invades.
And as it was in pre 1.3, the power will reset to 0 when it gets too high, prompting weird AI behaviour, like surrendering when it got a dozen star systems and many ships.
#RCB-101-69356.I hope these can be fixed in time for the official 1.6.1, they are certainly game breaking.
On the minor ones:
Technology "Tarrif stations" gives 10% research bonus
Either the text description is wrong (it states it gives a bonus to trade) or the bonus are wrong, or it does not do anything and should be deleted from the tech tree. This bug has been there since the beginning and remains unfixed.
Exploit: get 6 planets to sponsor a shipyard
Lots of people don't want it fixed, but I still think it's an exploit that should be fixed. Colonize 5 planets, add them to sponsor your shipyard, come back for a 6th planet in your home star system, get 6 planets to sponsor a shipyard. You could also try it for a 7th system if you ad a 3 planet star system, following the same principles. This bug has been there since the beginning and remains unfixed.
I can add a proper post but im not sure if this was an Idle thought of Paul that was never implemented or a change that was remove either by mistake or on purpose. I thought it was changed that when you pick the the Synthetic race trait players were prevented from picking food/growth and similar as Synthetic races cant use these traits anyway and it was basically giving people "free" points.Personally I liked the extra points and being OP but I do understand why the change was implemented. At least I thought it was lol.
i see no files updated form this 3/3 release, ??
I think it means it was released to everyone who did not opt in.
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