Okay just because we all love pushing buttons like the inpatient little kids we aren't let's start a guessing pool. No prize given just for fun. My guess is Thursday, February 4, 2016 3PM EST...
Any other guesses? Let's see who can be the closest without guessing past the time lol
Here are the times guessed so far?
Achronous Wednesday, February 3, 2016 2-3 PM EST (Past Sorry)
Avatar137 Wednesday, February 3, 2016 5 PM EST (Past Sorry)
recrooks Wednesday, February 3, 2016 6 PM EST (Past Sorry)
Seilore Thursday, February 4, 2016 3 PM EST (Past Sorry)
Larsenex Thursday, February 4, 2016 3:01 PM EST (12:01 PM PST) (Past Sorry)
BuckGodot Thursday, February 4, 2016 6-7 PM EST (Past Sorry)
admiralWillyWilber Friday, February 5, 2016 (Past Sorry)
mrblondini Friday, February 5, 2016 7 AM EST (Past Sorry)
Franco fx Friday, February 5, 2016 9 AM EST (Past Sorry)
CommanderBarzane Friday, February 5, 2016 12 PM (assuming EST didn't specify) (Past Sorry)
peregrine23 Friday, February 5, 2016 1 PM EST (Past Sorry)
Krasmoth Friday, February 5, 2016 2 PM EST (Past Sorry)
erischild Friday, February 5, 2016 3 PM EST (Past Sorry)
jirkaesch Friday, February 5, 2016 4 PM EST (Past Sorry)
Kurt_Blitzer Friday, February 5, 2016 4:35 PM EST (10:35 PM CET) (Past Sorry)
scifi1950 Friday, February 4, 2016 10:10 PM EST (Past Sorry)
wizisi2k Saturday, February 6, 2016 12 AM EST (WINNER!!!!)
Chibiabos Sunday, February 7, 2016 7 AM EST (Sorry Didn't win)
Go4Celerity Monday, February 8, 2016 10 AM EST (Sorry Didn't win)
mystral21 Tuesday, February 9, 2016 4 PM EST (Sorry Didn't win)
The Sisko Thursday, February 11, 2016 3 PM EST (Sorry Didn't win)
XWerewolfX Monday, February 15, 2016 2 PM EST (Sorry Didn't win)
Twilightmaster3737 Thursday, February 18, 2016 (Not active need time.) (Sorry Didn't win)
Closed wizisi2k wins!!! **Bragging Rights No Prize If a founder you now should be able to play**
founders forums? did you mean the founders vault by chance?
Bug Report: When you quote this post by Frogboy, it says it came form me. I don't live that far from Detroit, if you are trying to send me a message Brad, I'm happy to join up!
Yeah it seems to be all messed up with quotes... After all I just quoted you and it says I quoted Avatar... And same with a lot of the previous quotes are misquoting different people... Awesome catch, I really don't pay attention to that...
Here's my question - where are the "founders forums" located? I'm a founder, though I don't show a badge. I even have a star named after my oldest daughter! Thanks!
PS: Quote by Frogboy, not peregrine23!
Here's my question - where are the "founders forums" located? I'm a founder, though I don't show a badge. I even have a star named after my oldest daughter! Thanks! PS: Quote by Frogboy, not peregrine23!
I think he means the Founders Vault in the Databanks. I've never seen a Forum for Founders. Founders Badges seem to be missing now - mine is gone now too. I also updated my Avatar picture last night & the old one is on this post. Must be a problem with a Forum database.
On the bright side - looks like someone fixed the quotes!
Update - The Founder's badges (including yours "recrooks") came back after I went out to the main Forum page & then came into this thread.
What are you talking about, I can see the Founders forums
[edit: oh completely forgot that they still actually exist! I thought they were all locked up!]
Yea there right behind the big shiny beta key!!!!
On the main forum page click on the Gal CivIII general sub category header then scroll to bottom of the page.
Thanks gypsy2299. Though I think Frogboy is a Drengin at heart. I am expecting a VIP code to send to founders imminently. As quoted by Frogboy. Hmmmmmm I think he just loves Tortureing us...
thuesday, February 9, 2016 4 PM EST
Well, I think the only important question now, is whether the Stardock is crunching or not. If it's not, we can easily write off all of the guesses up to next week and enjoy fine weekend without beta
my guess is on 2/18/2016 we going get in to the beta
(Said in my best Inigo Montoya voice) You keep using that word (imminently?). I do not think it means what you think it means.
I need a time
Still not quoting correctly :@
February 15th at 2pm EST.
Pool Ended Frogboy posted info... Saturday, February 6, 2016 3:22:34 PM EST wizisi2k wins bragging rights...
Is it against the rules to suggest we all give wizisi2k +karma points on his winning post in this thread to commemorate his victory?
Sounds like a good idea to me
You might have called this a little early.
LOL the attempt and publication "releasing" Mercenaries was made at that time. Now there may be problems unlocking the Mercenaries part of it... If it was more than just for fun than I would have put that clause in there it needed to provide core Mercenaries content. All in all I'm happy that Frogboy is the king of Frogs and attempted to get us this today (on a Saturday) even if it didn't fully work as expected.
To his defense he did put that clause in his post that it might not work they way we all hope because they've never tried this before...
I agree with you Seilore. I say we all give +1 point of Karma to Frogboy for getting us the 1.6 update on a Saturday.
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