Okay just because we all love pushing buttons like the inpatient little kids we aren't let's start a guessing pool. No prize given just for fun. My guess is Thursday, February 4, 2016 3PM EST...
Any other guesses? Let's see who can be the closest without guessing past the time lol
Here are the times guessed so far?
Achronous Wednesday, February 3, 2016 2-3 PM EST (Past Sorry)
Avatar137 Wednesday, February 3, 2016 5 PM EST (Past Sorry)
recrooks Wednesday, February 3, 2016 6 PM EST (Past Sorry)
Seilore Thursday, February 4, 2016 3 PM EST (Past Sorry)
Larsenex Thursday, February 4, 2016 3:01 PM EST (12:01 PM PST) (Past Sorry)
BuckGodot Thursday, February 4, 2016 6-7 PM EST (Past Sorry)
admiralWillyWilber Friday, February 5, 2016 (Past Sorry)
mrblondini Friday, February 5, 2016 7 AM EST (Past Sorry)
Franco fx Friday, February 5, 2016 9 AM EST (Past Sorry)
CommanderBarzane Friday, February 5, 2016 12 PM (assuming EST didn't specify) (Past Sorry)
peregrine23 Friday, February 5, 2016 1 PM EST (Past Sorry)
Krasmoth Friday, February 5, 2016 2 PM EST (Past Sorry)
erischild Friday, February 5, 2016 3 PM EST (Past Sorry)
jirkaesch Friday, February 5, 2016 4 PM EST (Past Sorry)
Kurt_Blitzer Friday, February 5, 2016 4:35 PM EST (10:35 PM CET) (Past Sorry)
scifi1950 Friday, February 4, 2016 10:10 PM EST (Past Sorry)
wizisi2k Saturday, February 6, 2016 12 AM EST (WINNER!!!!)
Chibiabos Sunday, February 7, 2016 7 AM EST (Sorry Didn't win)
Go4Celerity Monday, February 8, 2016 10 AM EST (Sorry Didn't win)
mystral21 Tuesday, February 9, 2016 4 PM EST (Sorry Didn't win)
The Sisko Thursday, February 11, 2016 3 PM EST (Sorry Didn't win)
XWerewolfX Monday, February 15, 2016 2 PM EST (Sorry Didn't win)
Twilightmaster3737 Thursday, February 18, 2016 (Not active need time.) (Sorry Didn't win)
Closed wizisi2k wins!!! **Bragging Rights No Prize If a founder you now should be able to play**
I'll put my non-money on Brad pull a Bill "Drengin" Lumbergh on his team, forcing them to work over the weekend. I'll say Sunday, Feb 7, 8 AM Central time.
FOOL! You've just given frogboy and Stardock another out to go with the "GalCov" thing: Tomorroq will never happen! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I´ll go with Friday 5/2, 4 PM EST
Admiral, we need a time anyways all of you are awesome and, I updated the list. Good Luck all
Is that 5/2 or 2/5
America is backwards and we put the month first, most of the world puts the day first... I will assume he/she meant Feb 5 unless told otherwise.
Yeah, he meant February the 5th
European style.
a little disappointing that we were told early this week and now...nothing....
I'd personally rather it be early next year then be released and unplayable...
I suspect they found something that wasn't quite right and are working to fix it.
my founder badge just vanished.... how odd...
I'd personally rather it be early next year then be released and unplayable... I suspect they found something that wasn't quite right and are working to fix it.
Stardock hasn't been great at hitting its initial release dates for GC3 (have they hit any?), but early next year for the beta for Mercs would really be slipping!
The question with the beta as it stands is if there is going to be enough time for players to find bugs, report them and then for Stardock to address them and work them in before the actual release. If not it makes having a beta questionable. Though if the main focus of this is the early access side of things over polishing the time isn't so much of an issue.
I agree, I thought early this week wasn't enough time to bug hunt... I hope they get it out soon...
Oh and updated list
giff beta or riot
PS: Friday 22:35 CET
You'd be more disappointed if it kept crashing on you for some reason.
I figure SD hasn't/hadn't released the beta simply because it isn't/wasn't ready yet. Maybe Quality Control caught something critical, and the QA process had to be started all over again.
After all. while the kibitzing now might be annoying to SD, I think the caterwauling over crashed games might be a tad more so.
It'll be out soon enough, I reckon.
My prediction of Feb 19 is starting to look pretty good. Will there be cake?
Frogboy said this week so 2/6/2016 at 11:59 PM should do it
I like it, however, you already picked a time ... After all he did say early this week and we know that past without it so it could be anytime...
Because Galactic Civilizations III running in the background is eating up all of your graphics memory.
We're pretty close.
As much as we love early access, we don't actually rely on it for our QA needs. At this stage, it'll be more about balance and seeing if anything went through.
I am expecting a VIP code to send to founders immently. It'll be in the founders forums.
Okay I'm ready to take a guess
2/4/2016 @ 10:00 pm
You're picking last night at 10 PM?
Well I thought tonite at 10:00 was a little too obvious after Brad's post
But if you're still taking real guesses go ahead and put me in for 10:10 tonite.
Added correct date...
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