Occasionally when switching between betas or reverted to a non-beta version of a game on steam the steam game state becomes corrupt. When this happens you no longer can update the program. You can select different betas but nothing will happen.
Following this solution is on your own risk. Do not blame me when it f*cks up your steam configuration.
You must be online with steam. Do not continue if steam is in offline mode.
Make sure you have your steam account info (account name and password) stored somewhere, because these will also be reset.
First make a note of your steam settings. In steam go to the 'Steam' menu and select 'Settings'. Make a note of all your settings on all of the settings pages ('Account', 'Friends', etc..). It might be useful to make screen shots.
The following must be done for all the programs (games) you have installed through steam. Go to the property window of each program (game) and make a note of the tabs (at least the following: 'General', 'Updates', and 'Beta').
If you are in a closed beta and you do not have the password somewhere then do not continue.
Shutdown steam.
Open the windows explorer ('My Computer') and paste "steam://flushconfig" into the address bar and hit <Enter>.
Steam will start and a 'Steam - Reset Configuration' popup will ask you 'This will reset your local Steam configuration and you will need login to Steam again. Do you wish to continue?'
This is your last chance to stop!!!
If you want to continue then hit 'OK' else cancel.
Restart steam.
Log into steam with your credentials.
Go to the Steam settings and verify all the settings (which you made notes of in the above steps).
Then check the settings for all installed programs/games. Closed beta passwords must be re-entered.
On this moment download from updates might already start.
Exit steam.
Start steam.
Go to the game that did not want to update and verify the local cache.
And now hopefully everything should work again.
I wish you luck.
*grits teeth*
*tries it*
*crosses fingers*
*reloads Steam*
*GC III immediately starts to download*
1.2 opt-in is now live on my computer!
Might have to rethink immediately entering a closed beta from Stardock in the future, tho.
I also got 1.2 opt-in successfully doing this. Just an reminder or FYI, it resets a lot of game options to default, like game intro, auto save, visual, and audio preferences.
This works.
Same here. Same thought process.
She works.
This worked but I had to use run command ,.... window explorer did not work.
thanks CW..............
The reset of the game options you mentioned is not caused by the steam game state reset, but by the update of GC3 itself. Every update (of GC3) does and will reset your internal game options to its defaults -- maybe with the exception of hot fixes that modify a limited number of files.
Glad it works for so many of you guys (and gals).
Ahhh, the joy of spreading happiness all around.
Works good. +1 Karma.
Thanks CW.
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