I see craftable weapons have been nerfed to uselessness now.
REALLY?! SOVEREIGN SWORD does 16 damage and requires level 8 whereas hunter sword has no minimum level, adds +3 to init and +10 against animals...
Seriously... LAY OFF THE CRACK when doing re-balances...
Most of the weapons are fairly useless now
The shadow sword... is more like a shadow dagger... or perhaps... shadow letter opener...
Another joke... the Pyre Brand... seriously... it's like you guys were sniffing glue and just throwing stickies with numbers at a wall or something... MINIMUM LEVEL 6... and it does a WHOOPING... 9 physical and 4 fire... OOOHHHH... don't let the WHOLE 13 damage sword scare you....
Get some rest.... go to a rehab... and then try again...
You know there are other ways to give feedback?
I'm not a dev but I'd surely like to get some more constructive feedback instaed of a rant like this.
It's about the balance of a few weapons. We in beta so these thing are put in to try out. I like the new balance a lot. Some nerfs might be a bit too harsh, but like said be constructive man. Come up with a few suggestions instead.
If they didn't want a rant... they shouldn't have made such HORRIBLE changes... seriously... some of these make so little sense the ONLY logical conclusion is that they were drunk or on crack or something...
Only a FOOL ignores legitimate advice... even advice delivered in a rant.
Just ask the guys who did Shadowrun Chronicles... didn't listen... filling for bankruptcy...
Seriously, man? Grow up. This is NOT how you provide feedback. The balance changes ARE a bit too nerfing, but to come in here and say that they must be smoking crack is not only immature, but counter productive. As you say, only a fool doesn't heed advice.
My advice to you is to avoid being rude and offensive when you want your feedback to be heard.
Heed it.
The only thing a rant like this accomplishes is potentially making it so that they won't listen to you. If you don't like the change then say so and potentially provide alternatives. I really don't like that they may do nothing about the pioneer spam and that aspect really bothers me enough to maybe not play the game but I still want to support these guys. I like them and they are always honest with their feedback. It's something I can respect. They don't dilly dally around tough questions (queue, pioneer spam, others)
It's hurts all of your feedback from here on forth. I'd suggest modifying your post or it will be much more difficult to take you seriously.
Completely agree on both counts .. er let me see
1 grow up
2 are a bit too nerfed
3 immature, & counter productive
4) only a fool doesn't heed advice
Correction: Completely agree on both all 4 counts
^That made me LOL
I disagree with OP in general. On normal, I feel my heroes are doing fine damage. On hard, I have trouble winning. I think that's the way it should be.
Heed your own advice: Dont post when clearly you are drunk.
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