I like the Pirates idea. There is a GREAT deal of potential which will not be utilized till after release. Since Pirates are out to get all they can they usually have no need to murder colony ships filled with millions. Instead I would like to see a notification that we need to pay 'Paul's Buccaneers' 100 credits or they will destroy 'Colony ship 123B'. This would give us some interaction with them, allow pirates to get cash to get stronger and potentially save a Colony ship or whatever so it can continue its mission.
Let the player choose to kill off his ships or pay of those marauders! I feel we have a DLC in the making, yes this idea is in fact stolen from Distant Worlds but that mechanic was fun, if nothing else for me to have the option to tell 'Derek's Destroyers' to go to hell or some other satisfying text option!
We don't negotiate with terrorists! Even if it is 3 billion people!
+1 To that! Sounds like a great idea.
Now if they would only plunder / raid trade routes...
Yes to Bamdorf and to Ex Mudder. I am very CERTAIN that we are going to get a 'Pirate Arrrgh' DLC in August. There is just too much potential for such a minor add to the game.
Raiding trade routes.
Extorting funds from all players and AI.
Disrupting mining operations.
Inciting rebellion/unhappiness on nearby worlds!
All can be properly done in a DLC which should keep Derek, Paul and Co all working through the year....
I could even see Pirate fleets attacking undefended planets and stealing all the "Production" or wealth for a few turns before they head off to plunder the next world...
This is just one of the areas in which GC3 can, and I expect will, go from being pretty good at launch to something special over the next few months.
Just my 2c.
Yes, if they don't do something like this, I can see myself opting out the pirates in the near future. The current version of pirates will get boring and annoying pretty quick.
They are about as powerful as you would want them for what they do. I have had a little fun putting together pirate task forces to deal with them but that will get old pretty quick I suspect.
I would pay a little extortion to save a colony ship or constructor and I loved the way they would protect you and do dirty tricks for you in Distant Worlds. The rates were usually reasonable, and while I haven't played DW that much I don't recall any double crosses by pirates.
I can see the pirate rates being tied to ideology.
Yo Ho Me hearties,Yo Ho!
Stardock could add "Slavers", those friendly chaps that ply the spaceways, looking for sleeping colony ships to sell to the Drengin.Good morning!
That's actually a perfect way to implement Ideology points without being forced to settle something.
i agree, pirates should extort, and/or capture ships alive. Destroying things simply isn't profitable, they shouldn't be doing it without good reason.
Pirates should have hidden bases on asteroids. It doesn't make sense that they have shipyards floating in the middle of no where.
They should also be a galaxy wide faction that trades for tech.
Since we are talking about Pirates......
This can be modded however I'm unsure of the impact it would have on a game long-term. You could add the Scavenger ability from the Snathi DLC to the Pirate faction allowing them to occasionally capture any ships. Unfortunatly, In order for them to use special ships like constructors you may have to edit the AI a bit as they only seem to use colony ships (I can't help you with Ai editing in Gal Civ 3 yet but i remember seeing a post or 2 about it in the forums somewhere).
You will need to edit the Pirate Faction at the bottom of FactionDefs.xml by adding the following line:
to the faction where RaceTraits are Defined
You could also create your own ability based on the Scavenger ability instead to change how often they capture other ships, the scavenger ability is found in \Galactic Civilizations III\DLC\DLC3_Snathi\Game folder rather than base game folder in the file DCC3_AbilityDefs
Pirates should have hidden bases on asteroids. It doesn't make sense that they have shipyards floating in the middle of no where.They should also be a galaxy wide faction that trades for tech.
The pirate faction ship style uses asteroid bases for their star bases and you could use the above method to allow them to capture and use constructors.
If you want to just change the look of the shipyards they use you could either create a new one and replace the current shipyard or you could replace it with one of the pirate starbase designs. Keep in mind that this will replace the shipyard for any faction using the default Pirate shipstyle. To avoid this I would recommend making a copy of the default pirate shipstyle to make your changes on with a new name, then editing the Pirate faction in FactionDefs to use the new shipstyle.
Info on creating ship style sets can be found in the following links:
This is such a good point Pirates should be more like corruption. They should have 2 types of ships. A raider/jolly roger that when stationed in a race's territory it "loots" from trade. The other type is their warships they act like other faction ships. If you pay tribute the raiders disappear or are neutralize. The other ships can attack you or can be hired to attack your foes.
Now as it is, I wouldn't mind having Mercs and Terrorists in the game. Some groups that are just crazy and attack others, like the Reavers from Serenity or the Borg from Star trek TNG. Some could be hired for jobs, allowing for proxy wars.
Thats not how I would see space pirates. I would see them as more advanced versions of their naval counterparts. As in they would attack your ship, kill your crew, take some hostage to refill their ranks possibly, and loot/salvage your stuff. Thats it, thats all the interaction they should provide.
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