Galciv3 has been milling about in my shopping cart for a week now, but I can't seem to convince myself to pull the trigger. I'm a huge fan of Galciv2 and shudder to think how many precious hours of my life it has taken from me. Therein lies the problem. GC3 seems more like a remake of GC2 than a sequel that really moves the game forward. Maybe I'm missing something? Can any testers chime in on how the game differentiates itself from Galciv2?
See, that's the only reason why I don't like that GC3 requires Steam. Steam keeps track of how many hours you play, and I don't necessarily want to know that. If I knew how many hours I'd played GC for OS/2, then GC1, then GC2, I might not want to play GC3. Or any other game. But then again, I'm an almost retired old fart who's way past going out chasing girls and doesn't spend all my free time watching reality TV. So maybe spending my entertainment dollars on GC3 isn't such a waste.
Sorry if this isn't on point. But I couldn't resist.
As to the intent of the post, at this point in the beta I can't say that the game will be better than GC2. There's a long way to go, though, and the direction I'm seeing in the technology trees, the ideology trees, and the robustness of the game give me confidence that Brad and Stardock will come through once again. So I'm not regretting purchasing early.
I think (hope) we'll find, once we get to release, that the game's diplomacy and battles are much more rich than GC2. The UP is already more interesting and impactful, as are treaties and alliances. Battles are going to make use of more tactical stats than just attack, defense, and HP. They will take into account weapon range, ship speed, and we cannot forget the carriers. Add in that resources' (durantium, etc.) impact on ship stats, admiral veterancy, it seems much more strategic than GC2. Maybe. i think we need to wait at least until patch 2 of beta 3 to have a good handle on it.
Strategy and tactics games, unlike the quick-twitch variety, show positive effects in both delaying the onset, and perhaps even reversing some of the aging effects to the brain. So I like to use that as justification. GCIII could be anti-Alzheimer's.
The ability to become chair of the UP and be the one to propose the various motions is indeed a great improvement over previous GCs. Can't speak to the others yet but I have my hopes.
That is one beautiful emission nebula! I hadn't realized it is visible to the naked eye.
I hope all those numbers didn't break anyone's immersion.
I would say the GCIII is, at this point in the beta, mostly an update/improvement of GCII. This is not a bad thing. Once you have played III, even in it's beta version it is difficult to go back and play II. It is a similar, but much richer game and it leaves GCII in the dust, visually.
I am sure the final release will have features that set GCIII apart more than it is now, but it will still be the GC universe and the objectives will be essentially the same as they were in GCI. Nothing wrong with that if you are working with a game as enjoyable as each of the GC games have been.
I bought GCIII early for the same reason I am on the fence about buying the new Sid Meiers space colony game. I have enjoyed the GC games in every version so I did not worry about being disappointed. On the other hand, Alpha Centauri was an all time favorite of mine and I am hoping that the new Sid Meiers game will be similar but updated, however, when I look closely the new game appears to be The same old Civ games that they have been spitting out for years, just on an alien planet and without Ghandi. So...I want to play a demo version before I spend my money and time.
I get pangs of existential distress every time I look at my play totals on Steam.
Good point. My past experiences with Stardock games have been universally positive, well, almost.
She's a beaut. It was one of the first exotic (to a 12 year old) objects that I observed with my own eyes. I took a trip to a dark sky site and it was fantastic. Things like that tend to stick with you throughout life.
On the other hand, Alpha Centauri was an all time favorite of mine and I am hoping that the new Sid Meiers game will be similar but updated, however, when I look closely the new game appears to be The same old Civ games that they have been spitting out for years, just on an alien planet and without Ghandi. So...I want to play a demo version before I spend my money and time.
I'm of the same opinion about Beyond Earth, at least for now. Alpha Centauri is right up there with Moo2 on my list of greatest games ever made, but Beyond Earth looks more like Civ V than anything else. I hope it's good, but it doesn't appear to be the Alpha Centauri sequel that I've been hoping for.
Thanks for the input, everyone. I decided to jump in and play around with the beta. Your lack of regret (and a 20% off code from GMG) made the decision easier. I can't seem to get it running on my laptop, but that's another discussion altogether.
On the fence, well the game is not a remake of GC II. Lets clarify this up front. From the beginning the game is going to be GC II with more of everything and better. It will still be the same gameplay and still have the same players...but. Better.
Hope you join us!
Plus, there's great improvements like adjacency bonuses, that are brilliant.
I am retired, and if I wasn't married I would still be out chasing girls (actually, women). Why does "old" (I'm 75) have to imply lack of energy?
Culteral stereotype.
Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, and more money, eh?
Actually, Jack, I knew you were retired, we used to work in the same organization at STL.
I'm beginning to form a theory on why you are called "Lucky" Jack (quotes mine)
Of course, there's always, "Live fast, die young, leave a good-looking corpse."
I fully support my decision to support this game.That having been said, I very much hope the game gets more fleshed out, rather than simply activating the disabled tech in the trees.At the moment, it feels "bare bones", like a third or so of the tech and options are AWOL.
Wonders of the Universe? Ah, we have the Restaurant... and... the Restaurant.Amazing!...where's the rest?
Steam can't keep track of your time if you play in Offline mode.
There's many things that I hope are just not implemented yet, like many more wonders, flavor text, unique artwork for each random event...etc. Incidentally, I think planet colonization events happen too often, I think every planet has one.
I like steam and I like that you can see how much time you spend in a game. But you can always go offline or ignore it if you want
If steam added an offline counter that adds to the online counter as soon as connected would do.
If I added my offline time for SOTSII onto my online time the number would be many many many times bigger.
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