Its obvious a post is a suggestion by the title and category, not the word "Suggestion" as it's redundant. Also letting your words in your post explain your idea works too!
So be more like me when making post titles and not make it a essay. Maybe even a play on words. Just stop the madness all those that apply as its driving me crazy the more people do it.
In fact quit putting EVERYTHING in brackets.
{sure} {thing} {no} {more} {brackets}
If I remember correctly, putting phrases like BUG, UI, CTD, and the release level in brackets was encouraged during the Elemental and Fallen Enchantress alphas and betas. I don't remember why the brackets were used; I agree that as long as the essential information is in the subject line (especially for a bug report) it doesn't need any brackets.
It seems obvious your post wasn't just about putting the word "suggestion" in brackets. You are also explaining that the mere presence of the word suggestion is in fact redundant.
Although I appreciate your quest to make us all like you--"be more like me"--it would make the world and this forum less interesting. It's also possible, I suppose as I'm trying to be tolerant here, that some people who are very busy might appreciate a quick indication that a post reports a "bug" or asks a question.
So, is it the brackets that bug you, or is it the redundancy?
Do you mean, do not do this?
I think it's funny when you forget these aren't your forums.
No, its the hatred that fills my soul when I see either of them that annoys me!!! But the word suggestion in brackets is the worst and makes me want scream at my shadow!
Those that advocate perpetrate! I think you are guilty!!!
Drengin are eating the galaxy for dinner.
Yor are conducting a crusade against all flesh.
Thalans are striving to save the galaxy by any means necessary.
Humans may destroy the galaxy in a rage.
DARCA is in a corner yelling "STOP THE BRACKETS!"
[brackets] {braces} (parentheses) ⟦double brackets ⟧ ⟨ chevrons⟩ --
Warning: Mind bender ahead!
NOTHING is not nothing, it is a word. Therefor you did put something between brackets. Which proves that nothing is something, and therefor can not be nothing. Nihilist conclusion: nothing does not exist. Therefor something does not exist, and since something can be anything, anything can't exist either. Which in turns means everything what is anything does not exist. The logical outcome is that you don't exist and you therefor never could have made your statement. So i must conclude i am responding to something that never was, which is a sign of insanity.
Luckily i am sane enough to realize how insane i am.
But here are some statements between brackets that are actually true:
[two words]
[three little words]
[four words work too]
[five words in between brackets]
[a lot of words written between brackets]
Are you sane enough to eat my nuckle sandwich you delirious bracket lover! And realize there is no luck but only Fate, and the Divine Talos!!!!!
Really, jokes aside. The brackets must go, there is a better way...not using them. Then I can stop caring about this OCD inducing nonsense that is bugging me.
[[[[ [[ [[[]]]
[[ [[ [[ [[ ]]
[[ [[[[ [[[]]]
"Galactic Civilizations ]I[" will henceforth be called "Galactic Civilizations Closing Bracket I Opening Bracket" or "GalCiv CBIOB" for short.
Actually, those are three open-braces. They are rendered in 3D, they have just emerged from the jump gate, and they are moving toward you.
They look foreshortened because you are very, very close to them.
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