Today, at least according to Steam, I have played CGIII for over 100 hours.
My cost per play is now less than $1.00 per hour.
How many hours have you logged so far?
.02 Im waiting for combat viewer
LOL Nice way to look at it. I just checked and I now have 222 hours. What a deal!!!
hmmmm, 578 hours
67 Hours on GC III.
Probably 500+ on GC II
and about 75 hours on Legendary Heroes.
60 something on record. Possibly the same offline. Only way to find bugs and imbalances.
97 and growing.
GC3 81 hours
GC2 3553 hours
Only 33 h. I'm waiting for Beta 2 before I'll play the heck out of it, and even more the heck out of it after Beta 3.
The game is going to be soooooooo great! I have a good feeling about it. It's going to join my More then 1000 h played Club. The only members there so far are:
1) All versions of Sid Meier's Civilization
2) All versions of Europa Universalis
3) GalCiv 2
And GalCiv3 has multiplayer, and it will have great DLC support. I will never grow tired playing it. NEVER!
I just noticed that Stardock posted the same question on Facebook. Respond there too!
So far, I've played 15 games with the largest galaxy setting. The time to finish a game is between 8 to 11 hours.
And here I thought a quick game was about 24 hrs. I have to make sure there is no anomaly left unturned, no planet left unihabitated and of course most importantly, no aliens left alive. My average game on GCII was about 80 hrs, couldn't tell you how many games I've played over the years. I'm just finishing up my sixth game with a total of 134 hrs (all six). Didn't start playing till a week or two after the beta came out. Played about 800 hrs on Civ V, 300 hrs on Skyrim, 500+ on Oblivion, but judbing from what I've played on GCIII so far, I would say that it should easily get well into the 1000's of hrs. Especially once the full release hit. Large maps are kinda small. Once you get into take over mode (which is all we have at the moment), it's hard to hold back and not wipe everything out. Only played one game so far where I actually left one planet alone so I could run the tech tree out. 1 fleet with 700+ hit points, 600+ attack (all the types), 600+ defense (all three types) and 48 moves per turns. YEAH! Bring on the big maps.
Dam, a quick game is a quick game! Like 1-4 hours!
Although I would like to play on a custom map forever like it was my own little Empire.
Are ya'll playing on the smaller maps? I always go for the largest map possible.
I've been playing on "normal" settings, but just started my 16th game on "gifted".
I do the same, "quick" games? Not for me!!!
133 hours. (!)
It sure didn't seem like 133 hours. Kinda worries me.
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