I have refined and perfected this strategy from over 100 games, and let me tell you, it has succeeded about 95% of the time. Although lesser players have tried to copy it for ages, none have succeeded... until now, as I finally divulge the build order for the flak+kol+ankylon rush. Only a couple of top players have ever beat me while I was using this strat, among them sins gods such as huymac, spockimpossible, and Kbroke.
NOTE: Only applies to 5v5 skilled games
1. Play as TEC Loyalist
2. Build a Kol as your first capital ship, select flak burst
3. Build two military labs
4. Scuttle cap factory when Kol is finished building
5. Colonize nearby planets using Kol+colony frig and cobalt+colony frig+turret
6. Research and flak and repair platform
7. By this time, you will have made contact with the enemy. Engage on YOUR planet only, as repair platform increases flak survivable by by 48.7% (tested and verified by RespawnTitan). Make sure to micro using the special alley sweeper technique. Details on how to do that can be found in the "proof flak is OP" thread.
8. Your kol would have leveled up by now. Alternate between flak burst and forcefield. GRG sucks.
9. 99% of the time, your enemy will spam light frigates. DO NOT build LRM, instead continue to pump out flak. Flak actually counters light frigates if you micro them right. Kill the enemy fleet, but DO NOT chase after them to their fortified planets. Instead, find a good choke and start to fortify there. This is very important. Also, don't try to snipe their capital ship. Flak works better against frigates and cruisers.
10. Drop down two military labs and build a titan and the factory. If you don't have enough money, ask your eco player for more.
11. Here comes the hard part. Since you've sunk so much of your own and your allies' money on the titan, the enemy will have a BIG fleet advantage. Although you can take comfort in the fact that you've killed so much of it before, that is still not enough to overcome the gap. I recommend building a starbase and turtling until your ankylon comes out. Build mines if you have to and scuttle any turrets you've used to expand. 99% of the failures of this strategy comes during this step.
12. Once your titan comes out, immediately select two fighters, disruption matrix and one health upgrade. You don't have enough AM for FD yet.
13. Slowly push your enemy out of the world you are fighting. By now you should have a fairly decent starbase, so go tell your ankylon to level up in the pirates base. Your titan should reach level 3 when that's done. Up DM, FM, health, and weapons, in that order.
14. Check how your allies are doing. If they're doing bad, that means you need to push on your side. Immediately attack your enemy frontline worlds. They wont be able to resist very well, unless they have a titan of their own (which they won't, since if you followed step 9 correctly, they would have spent all their money on rebuilding their fleet).
If they're doing good, you still need to push but you can start diverting funds toward building trade ports and Novas.
15. Build hoshiokos with demo bots, as well as two more kols.
16. By now, the enemy eco player would have started fleeting up to protect their failing frontline player. But guess what? Your army is now practically invulnerable. The only things that can counter the ankylon are corvettes and strikecraft, but thanks to your flak and kol, they get shredded in seconds (flak vs fighters is the hardest counter in the game). They might try building heavy cruisers, but your demo bots will disable their attacks, allowing you to kill them with impunity.
17. You should start building your Novas. Once the enemy team heads the siren blazing that signals a new superweapon is building, 7/10 they will quit right them and there. If not, it doesn't matter, you've almost won anyway by this point. Just sit back and blow up their homeworlds from afar, and watch their income drop massively.
18. Unlike before, CHASE the enemy to their fortified worlds. If they have a SB, DO NOT engage it without your titan, as flak are terrible against structures and your opponent will red button his SB, killing everything in sight. First, send your titan against it and the enemy fleet alone, its nigh-unkillable at this point and disruption matrix can prevent red button from casting. After you do that, take your entire fleet and kill the SB. Make sure to spread your flak around so it does damage to both the SB and enemy fleet.
19. Mop up any remaining enemy planets. Help your allies if they need you.
20. Congratulations, you've won the game!
In other words become an unkillable juggernaut. Similar to the Advent Loyalists though with far less complexity. I'm not sure if this is a troll thread or not, but everything you posted sounds good in theory, but if you're good enough to micro your flak like is required in 9, why not do some more classic strategy and just mop the floor with your enemies?
Because if I choose to go the more "classic" LF spam instead, once I kill the other frontliner the eco player can just build a LRM ball and crush me. He can't do that if I flak spam, because flak counters all early game ships (balanced b/c it's more expensive on a per fleet supply basis). I'm basically trading a more effective early game fleet to a better mid-late game one (although that's slightly not true, since flak is better at killing ships).
Also, the reason I said back off and don't attack the enemy fortified planets in step 9 is because flak is terrible at killing buildings, hence why you should just kill the enemy fleet.
About the only counter I've seen to this strat is disciples+guardians, as the repulse prevents flak from executing their alley sweep technique which is the key to countering light frigates. Once flak stop moving, its a sitting duck for the disciples. But if you build a couple SC of your own to counter the guardians, you should be fine.
Will test tomorrow and post results
Kbroke wins 100% of his games due to a special minidump ability. There are no counters for that. HuyMac can spam chat like no other that can cause games to crash.
WTF why I can't I give Sinkillr karma in this thread???
Don't tell me there is a daily karma quota.......
There is a timer yes. About 10 minutes IIRC.
"unbeatable strategy" and "works 95% of the time" don't really work together dude.
For it to be unbeatable it has to work 100% of the time otherwise it is in fact 'beatable'.
No one else sees the hole in this strategy? The big, giant, massive, gaping hole?
You mean aside from him calling Kbroke and Huymac Sins Gods?
Aside from the fact that he does exactly what I do when I play Sins? Yeah, he claims it works in MP universe.
Well yes, aside from that...
Cobalts have no place in an unbeatable strategy. It's flak or nothing.
On a more serious note:
From the quotes the specified order is DM, Health, DM, FM (maybe FD), health, weapons. It is impossible to get lvl 2 DM when your titan reaches lvl 2.
But if you build a couple SC of your own to counter the guardians, you should be fine.
as AL, i would counter by building flak of my own. Advent flak are stronger, and i'll wear you down.
Level 1- Disruption Matrix and Health
Level 2- Furious Defense and Weapons
I'm not sure how thats impossible?
Once the Ankylon comes out though, it outright trumps Advent. Sure, the Coronata is immune since its power is in Suppression Aura which ignores the Ankylon's disable, but nonetheless, to be equally powerful, you'd need a fleet all casting abilities. A single ship which can disable an entire fleet is the very reason why I have been opposed to these things being in the stock game for a long time...
No, Gardas are the strongest flak both on a fleet supply basis and cost basis.
Strat still nigh-uncounterable.
Does this count as a necro now ^
Sinkillr goes on necro rampages from time to time and based on his other activity I would say yes.
Seleuceia still can't tell what is wrong with this strategy...Time for him to play MP?
Stop referring to yourself in the third person...
By the way, I don't put spaces after my ellipses...you really suck at this you know?
OOOOH! Another name change. Nice.
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