The ship designer is out now in the the alpha 2.0 patch, so when have a that ship designed feel free to post it here and so others can see what kind of cool things you can build with it.
Thank you for posting this.I really want to see what the ship designer can do!
I think I broke it. Wont let me add any more parts.
It's so beautiful
My first ever GalCiv III ship. Scout ship. To scout where no one has scout before!
TThe Claw-class scout/fighter
The rings rotate clock-wise and the engine rotates counter.
Terran Colony (in game) {the top and bottom domes rotate):
A cargo ship:
Altarian scout ("wings" move slowly up and down and the "legs" wave gently with the solar wind) [ignore the text . . leftover from testing]:
Giant Colony ship.
Took me awhile to get this one running (and it does run) My next designs will probably be more serious.
Battlesun Galaxy. Launch the Cobras!
I've toured around the world, from London to the BayIt's "Hammer, go Hammer, MC Hammer, yo Hammer"And the rest can go and play
You can (eventually). Carriers have been confirmed for months. Mormegil even talked about them in one of the live streams (either the first or the second).
I must assume that people are already creating some master pieces out there so meanwhile, I'll entertain you with some of my cra... stuff.
Got carried away (again): Battlesun Perseus. Tried not to resize the huge pieces (silly medium hull base) but those hangar thingies are HUGE.
I'll let you guess this one:
And this one resembles...
Well, here's my first attempt at a Trooper ship using a cargo hull, I know, pretty crappy, but I'm new at this.
Finally got to play around a bit.
Here is an alternate constructor... Big
So first I just made a really simple scout ship, just to get my feet wet.
But then I decided to get adventurous and try making it stand out a bit more.
But I still wanted to see how crazy I could get, so I decided to try something much more modern-military-fighter-looking...
As well as a big interplanetary version of one of those private executive jets, just converted for military use.
But in the end, the biggest challenge was making a colony ship that actually looked like it could drop off its pods without any disruption to the lives of the people inside.
I think I pulled it off, though. Pity the shipyard refused to give me a good zoom level on it, and I had to do this from the colony construction queue.
I need spheres so I can make ships that are dif sphere sizes like the sphere ships in Enterprise.
Or cubes so I can make Borg ships.
My First Attempt
I attempted to build a borg cube, unfortunately they don't allow for enough pieces, however, this is what I had to this point.
A am also looking at making space stations.
Manipulating pieces for size and placement is a pain.
Can somebody explain how to post an image please?
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