First I would like to take the thank rjhughes67 for taking up this project. Nacey has had a lot of things on his plate and so he has not gotten around to Distant Stars lately. He says he will occasionally pop in with comments and ideas but his time is being taken up else where. I, Ryat, will continue to be forum moderator and master bug hunter for this project. And maybe the occasional change/addition.
Second I would like to thank Nacey, -Ue_Carbon, Draakjacht, Stant123 and Skyline (the originator of this mod) for all of their hard work on this project. Also give thanks to all the modders whose mod projects we used, abused and otherwise mutilated for our own mod.
And finally to our fans. Let's face it. Sins of a Solar Empire is a very moddable game and there are some excellent mods out there. We thank you for sticking with us.
And now without further ado the links.....
I think he was referring to Hidden Alliance.
Thanks Hughes.
Any idea how I can get rid of the superweapons in game? I went into the constants file and set it to zero but they still pop up....
Hi goto the link below, goafan77 has a mini mod that does that and i got it to work w/ DS. Download page on ricks gallery.
IIRC setting it to 0 sets it so the superweapons aren't restricted.
What sets it so that they are?
IIRC you go the other direction. Like set it to 99 or something.
Glad to see my Vassari Flagship model getting some use again
And glad this mod is continuing to be updated!
IMHO that Vasari flagship model is super dope. It incorporates all the existing Vasari cap parts in a complementary way. The TEC model is alright but it needs something more to make it uniquely bold and differentiate it from a standard Kol. The pseudo Marza missile pods aren't quite enough. The Advent one needs some serious love. The Rapture/Radiance mutant baby is too long and gangly without a good cohesive shape like the others.That's just my two cents. Whoever made these models: please take this as constructive criticism. Revemping the visuals was a great idea!
Thank you!
I only made the Vassari Flagship... but perhaps I should make the others as well
That one is my favorite..... Nice work!!
The one serious issue I have with the game deals with the pirates. Specifically the TEC Rebel factions penchant for sending pirates to EVERY planet....
Now this wouldn't be a huge issue because I typically have defenses at every planet but why on Earth when they enter the gravity well and the planet instantly dies is beyond me.
I have an empire of around 50 planets and I open my game and damn next 30 of them have pirates and are unoccupied except the defenses I have set up.
I don't mind the pirates but they shouldn't be able to de-occupy a planet instantly.
That's actually a DLC issue. It will be fixed by the devs in the 1.82 update.
Ryat - Here are some possible models for the "Phasic Defense Control" centers.
1. Advent
2. TEC
3. Vasari
What do the rest of you think?
All they need is texture change.
This mod looks amazing. My only problem is finding detailed install instructions for it!
For all the parts (steam version of Rebellion) are they just extracted to the mods folder at users/....../documents/my games/Ironclad games/sins of a solar empire/mods-rebellion v1.80? And is that the process finished?
Thanks in advance!
use 7zip to extract downloaded mods to: users/....../documents/my games/Ironclad games/sins of a solar empire/mods-rebellion v1.80
Then fire the game up and go to... "Options" ---> "Mods"---> select mod you want to play (let's say DS_v0.21R+FWSP-RG) ---> press "Enable Mod" then "Apply Changes". The game will then re-load.
To use DS_Add-On mods: you will need to go to "Options", then "Mods" select the Add-On you wish to try and push enable, then place the Add-On mod on top or first in order above the "Core" mod and press apply changes.
List of Add-On mod combinations:
And yes, the models need new textures.
First try:
Needs to be a bit more bluish IMHO as it fits the Advent better.
What the hell is that thing? lol
We are working on getting a proper set of models for the Planetary Defense rather then just using the TEC planet shield model.
Or.... is it a trick space vending machine used to trap unsuspecting explorers and turn them into some kind of red goo, which in turn will be used as a relish in an Advent fast food restaurant? .... You tell me Mr. Ryat. HHHHMMMMMM.
... ...
Soylent red?
Damn Witches!
Just wanted to pop in and say I'm glad DS is back on track! I've been out of touch with SoaSE for a while and been looking for a reason to get back into it. Downloading now!
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