First I would like to take the thank rjhughes67 for taking up this project. Nacey has had a lot of things on his plate and so he has not gotten around to Distant Stars lately. He says he will occasionally pop in with comments and ideas but his time is being taken up else where. I, Ryat, will continue to be forum moderator and master bug hunter for this project. And maybe the occasional change/addition.
Second I would like to thank Nacey, -Ue_Carbon, Draakjacht, Stant123 and Skyline (the originator of this mod) for all of their hard work on this project. Also give thanks to all the modders whose mod projects we used, abused and otherwise mutilated for our own mod.
And finally to our fans. Let's face it. Sins of a Solar Empire is a very moddable game and there are some excellent mods out there. We thank you for sticking with us.
And now without further ado the links.....
download it..... use 7zip to unzip it..... and yes it goes in the v1.85 mod folder
For some reason when I unzipped with 7zip into my modfolder it put the extracted folder into it's own folder.
So I had ../modFolder/Mod1/Mod1/Mod1Files
I usually find that unzipping on your desktop and then moving the file manually usually avoids that.
This mod is great. It's fun to play, fits well with the vanilla game and is very stable. I actually haven't crashed once which is something I usually expect from a large sins mod. Though I haven't tried and huugge games and probably never will.
I'm not sure if I'm having a problem with pirates though. They seem a bit weak and confused most of the time. For funsies I decided to dump a bunch of credits (57k I think) so the AI would put a larger one on me and I could put some defenses to the test. But only a handful, 30 or so with a couple capital ships, would ever show up and theyd just kind of trickle in. Eventually after watching the still active pirate bases with scouts for a while I determined that raids had stopped spawning all together regardless of how much bounty there was.
I haven't played sins, modded or otherwise, in a while so I don't actually know if I broke something or if everything is working as intended.
Also I got the same result with and without the powerful pirates addon. And I should have tested the base game so I'll go do that too.
We can only have minimal controls to the AI. That includes the pirate AI. I can give them the toys but not the ability to use them right.
I figured that was the case. I think the last time I messed around with pirates they were a tad overpowered in the base game and that has clearly changed after some testing I just did. Thanks for the reply!
Pirates have always been an interesting portion of the mod as every major DLC seems to tweak their behavior a bit.
Thank you so much for the fixes, i have been extremely busy playing huge maps non stop. Wife is threatening to divorce me, the grand kids don't come over no more, even the dog stop bothering me for food, probably time for a shower, meh, ill do that tomorrow
Just wanted to say thank you for the mod. I normally play a different mod. Figured I would give this one a try while I wait for my regular. I've been playing on huge maps and finishing my games without a single crash. Best running mod I've played to date. It's shocking how smooth it runs late in the game. Normally I just quit when I know I have the upper hand. I've actually played out a huge game to completion due to it running so smooth.
I also love the battle animations and sounds. Projectiles, scale, explosions, etc.. The visuals are top shelf all around.
Thanks guys
P.S. Playing as TEC, should I always be switching out my Fighters/Expert Fighters for Gunships? Fighters are fast but the gunships hit harder and can shoot in all directions... they have secondary missiles too.
Fighters have their weapons set to strike primarily against bombers, which have heavy armor?, where as Gunships are closer to all purpose weapons. With the way armor and weapons work, fighters may hit (I am just using random numbers as I can't remember the exact formulas) 150% vs bombers, and anything else with heavy armor, but only about 75% to 25% vs anything else. Gunships, on the other hand, may only strike at bombers at 75% but keep an overall 100% to 75% attack value vs all armors in general. So Gunships may help with increasing overall firepower, such as a lone star base or small carrier groups, and can help with frigates and cruisers where as fighters will remove bombers with a vengeance and bombers will remove capital ships but will help with little else such as frigates and cruisers.
Some thoughts (correct me if I'm wrong Ryat).
Something else to note is that if you play on the slowest setting (my personal favorite), the DPS values stay the same in the game, but ship/fighter movement, positioning and speed of your assets becomes drastically more important. Mainly, the importance of the value of speed vs hitting power comes from the fact that you otherwise just can't race across a gravwell if you're out of position ... let alone your empire.
It makes for slower drawn out games, but on larger maps forces you to split from a single large fleet to smaller picket fleets and consider your logistics for your empire and fleet composition based on movement / engagement speeds and distances.
Also ... slower movement means bombers will take longer to get to target and the fighters will engage with the same DPS over a longer duration due to making contact with the enemy faster.
Thanks for the continued support!
Here is a fix for the Rebellion v1.93 version of Distant Stars. This will fix the Minor Factions race logo's from not appearing. This will be fixed in the upcoming 1.94 release.
Just download and follow the instructions included (it's easy)
I found the problem with the pirates (I think, as it still needs to be tested). I have been trying to maintain the original integrity of the mod as much as possible, but I'm going to have to change the pirate raid structure in the gameplay file to boost the ship counts to where they should be.
If anyone has any other errors, issues or requests with the mod, please let me know now as I am currently working on the 1.94 update.
Distant Stars Mod + Add On's for Rebellion v1.94 are up for DOWNLOAD
so are the Pirate Raids better now or to heavy?
We are watching with eager anticipation the whole beta/alpha run of Sins 2 in preparation of Distant Stars 2!
Coming Soon™
This information is very helpful
Finally go this back on my new pc but I'm having trouble with the mod. It shows in the mod list, and I activate it, but the mod doesn't actually run. I just have regular Sins Rebellion with no DS content. Any idea what might cause this?
The mod hasn't had a lot of support lately and there have been one or two updates to the main game since. Something may have been broken. Sorry for the troubles. We do plan on something for Sins 2.
Drat. Thanks for the reply though.
just played a game yesterday win10 and it worked fine.. I did have an issue a while back when the mod was put into the appdata or whatever that folder is so I redownloaded (dont move it from that appdata, someone said something about permision) and put the mod in the Documents\My Games\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion\Mods-Rebellion v1.85 folder and it fixed that for me. Hope that helps, this is my go to game/mod when i get sick 3080 hours and i been playing this since the old Stardock Central this game has seen me through my worse days. Good luck, fyi havent tried it on win11 yet
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