WTF has happened? Cant believe they did it after working on that game for almost 3 years or maybe even more (they announced it in December 2011)...not that i was extremely excited about it, but still, its CnC. One of my fav gaming series.
I was suprised as well. 3 years development and it just gets cancelled like that....
GameReplays have the answer though! (post #135).
By EA_Baelor:
"Hi everyone, I just wanted to say that it has been a pleasure working on this game and I hope you all have enjoyed the closed alpha! This isn't official or anything, but you probably saw that our whole team got the ax. I hope you understand that we at VG all were dedicated to making a game for all of you to play, and that the press release line was total b.s. It was NOT any feedback from the alpha that shut this project down but just petty corporate politics and shenanigans.We were all shocked and confused to find out that our studio is closed (and that we are all out of jobs!), but I am happy to see that the game is still up and running RIGHT NOW and that a lot of people are still having fun with it. Please enjoy the live game until they figure out how to turn off the servers (it might be a while)!Cheers,B"
I wasn't too keen on the F2P aspect, but a near finished game getting canceled that wasn't hopeless always sucks. Maybe they'll save the assets and actually make Generals 2?
Judging from the available gameplay videos, it looked far from finished. The visuals and basic system was there, but it lacked all those nuances that made zero hour such a great game. Like for example proper physics when it came to unit movement. it lacked fixed wing airplanes for the time being, etc..... Additionally, the decision to have many more generals than in the older game caused the available generals to be nowhere near as unique and deep, they seemed to differ literally in handful of units - did not play the game though myself, it just looked that way based on the available info.
Still, all these things could be added later, improved upon, changed for the best - so its kinda shame. I hope they use the assets to make zero hour sequel too, but i am not holding my breath...
Funny thing, reading through official forums and gamereplays, lot of people over there are like: nothing to play now, RTS genre dead, its only StarCraft 2 left... funny how people can be close minded. There is obviously Rebellion, SupCom, upcoming Planetary Annihilation, etc,,, all great titles, but to these people those games dont exist. I can understand the difference between StarCraft and SupCom or Sins, and if you like one, you dont have to like the other one, after all i am no fan of StarCraft2 myself..., but i would be willing to stake that majority of those people never bothered toeven try these games out, at best saw some gameplay videos on youtube and concluded its not for them....
Love the insult in that last paragraph.
Edit: EA_Baelor's. Realized I wasn't exactly specific...
Some of them mentioned Sup Com. Rebellion wouldn't exist to them because either they don't know about it through less marketing exposure or they weren't interested because of the lack of MP features compared to most RTS games. The length of time of games (2 hours+) is also a deterrant for a lot of MP RTS players.
On the bolded part, this just confirms my words about their lack of open-mindedness. Clearly if they say, there is nothing else to play, without actually doing some conscious investigation, whether it is actually true or not, they are just deliberately "staying in the dark". If they were really looking for a game to play, instead of complaining about cancelling CnC, they would be actively looking for it.
The other thing, with length of matches and lack of MP features, yeah, as i said, its not everyone´s cup of tea and i respect that. But i dont think that these things are so important to people on the CnC mainboards, IMHO only few of them are full-fledged competitive players. Majority of the people there are just average gamers like me, who liked previous CnC games and were curious about the next one. Lack of ladders or longer matches are not such an issue to them, they just want to build bases and clash their massive armies in spectacular battles, all of that in fairly familiar manner. And if they gave Rebellion a chance, they would find out, they can do precisely that in this game as well...
People should just play Total Annihilation while waiting for Total Annihilation 2.
Unless you like playing mouse click RTS games like Star Craft, which are one step up from pro mine-sweeper.
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