Well, here's some info for y'all...
Maybe, maybe not. I assume if you didn't like EU these adds aren't going to change your mind about the game play. If you did like EU then yes, sploogetastic.
I am all in here. I liked EU quite a bit, though the strategic part was a bit weak
The problem is that the new content just doesn't seem very exciting. If it's priced at DLC*2, ie around $10, I might look at it.
Mutants and Mechs don't seem exciting???
Ok then...
More info. I'm not sure I like that it will be a standalone for console, may have to pick up EU for the PC as well now.
Time for more real XCOM! Firaxis, developer of XCOM: Enemy Unknown, has announced XCOM: Enemy Within, which will be a $30 expansion for PC gamers and a $40 stand-alone game for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 players, all on November 12, 2013. Like a Civilization expansion, the basic structure of saving the Earth will remain unchanged: we'll still capture an enemy, attack the alien base, and take the fight to them, but we're getting more options for how to get there. First and foremost, Firaxis is addressing a couple of XCOM fans' most vocal complaints: you'll now be able to have French soldiers speaking French (among others, courtesy of allowing us to access localized voice files), and we'll see around 40 additional maps combined with Enemy Unknown's 80. That number will include UFO crash maps in urban and rural environments, instead of just forest. Will there be an XCOM base-defense mission? Firaxis didn't say no... which means almost certainly yes. We're also getting a fifth class of soldier: the Mech trooper. But this isn't a class you're born into like the existing Assault, Support, Heavy, and Sniper - this is one that, after the proper facility is built, you can move any soldier into. He or she will lose all of their current class abilities, but gets to choose from a whole new ability tree up to their existing rank.
Time for more real XCOM! Firaxis, developer of XCOM: Enemy Unknown, has announced XCOM: Enemy Within, which will be a $30 expansion for PC gamers and a $40 stand-alone game for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 players, all on November 12, 2013. Like a Civilization expansion, the basic structure of saving the Earth will remain unchanged: we'll still capture an enemy, attack the alien base, and take the fight to them, but we're getting more options for how to get there.
First and foremost, Firaxis is addressing a couple of XCOM fans' most vocal complaints: you'll now be able to have French soldiers speaking French (among others, courtesy of allowing us to access localized voice files), and we'll see around 40 additional maps combined with Enemy Unknown's 80. That number will include UFO crash maps in urban and rural environments, instead of just forest. Will there be an XCOM base-defense mission? Firaxis didn't say no... which means almost certainly yes.
We're also getting a fifth class of soldier: the Mech trooper. But this isn't a class you're born into like the existing Assault, Support, Heavy, and Sniper - this is one that, after the proper facility is built, you can move any soldier into. He or she will lose all of their current class abilities, but gets to choose from a whole new ability tree up to their existing rank.
Well, I enjoyed Enemy Unknown and will be getting this. It's more stuff and some of it looks real fun, while others are nice options if nothing else. But at that price point I don't think I'll be getting it until it goes on sale.
.. they are just not patching the bugs enough. probably because it's console as well as pc...
I am not that excited for this expansion. For me to want to play it, it will have to have better Geoscape gameplay and better base management. In current game laboratories are almost useless. I want Xcom with reactive enemy like in old Xcom and not predefined number of events each month...
I agree. One of my biggest complaints about XCOM:EU is that you have to sit there very passively and react to each alien incursion in a very predictable way. At least until you have unlocked the story missions, anyway.
In UFO:EU you could go find UFO activity by patrolling. You could find alien bases and go kick some alien butt. It might cost you soldiers if you got too aggressive, but it was your choice to make.
The only way the game could get any more passive is if XCOM were sitting behind a shield powered by three ZPMs and researching ascension for most of the game.
Oh, you didn't get the X-Com: Atlantis DLC?
This is a common complaint, but one I don't really understand *when* the next statement is...
Now, I loved me some UFO as well, but frankly, it's a false statement to say that you had these 'choices'. Either you played the game or you didn't. The mechanics of the strat layer were certainly different, but the end result wasn't really any different. UFOs showed up at some rate, you ignored them or you shot them down. Countries got captured, you went to liberate them. I'm not sure exactly what the alternative choices were, since those alternatives essentially amounted to 'not playing the game'.
Yes, XCOM:EU has a lighter strat layer than other games of the same ilk, however, I submit, that all that does is remove a bit of pretend action. Now you may have enjoyed that pretend action, and I'm not going to say anything about personal preference there. For my money, XCOM:EU got rid of a bunch of stuff I thought I would miss, but after a while it turned out I didn't miss that stuff at all because it didn't really matter to the actual game play itself. I wanted missions, I wanted research, I wanted some kind of storyline. How I get those doesn't matter so much to me (well story matters a little).
That's not to say that anyone should like the game because I like the game, it's just to say that a different mentality may help in appreciating the things the game does well. Because at first I was on the fence about how different the game felt from the older XCOMs and the UFO games, but after a while I realized that XCOM:EU is much better than any of those games (for me) and now when I fire up an old one I quit withing 30m because I don't care for the old mechanics anymore
In UFO:EU it wasn't always possible to have radar to detect UFOs where you needed it. If you felt lucky you could send an interceptor from a nearby base to make a sweep of an area. Now it's a case of cranking out satellites and having uplinks to run them and interceptors to shoot UFOs down. And yet, I barely see any benefit to this strategy in XCOM:EU, apart from it shutting down abduction missions.
I should be squeezing in a dozen missions a month with the whole world covered. Instead I'm sitting here waiting for the enemy ships with their slow-ass hyperdrives to show up at all. Instead I would like to build myself an Avenger or two, make a little jump to where they're massing their fleet, and pop some battleships with my Fusion Lances before they get to Atlantis... I mean Earth. >.>
And if that gambit doesn't pay off we could always phase cloak the planet and watch them try to figure out where we went. Maybe some Sectoid will ask a Muton, "Where's the Earth?" and the Muton will reply, "That's what I'm trying to tell you kid, it's gone, it's not there any more."
Yeah I would love to see XCOM: Atlantis Under Siege, but I might need a pause mode to get me through the 72-hour mini-campaign.
Quoting uberlicker, reply 3 Mutants and Mechs don't seem exciting??? Ok then...
Mechs and hybrids were in Apocolypse so it's a been there done that reaction.
X-com: alien opponents were half as numerous, three times stronger and the X-com team twice as big versus now. You "zerg" your opponent to gain an advantage with surgical strategy so it won't end up a suicide mission. Losses during the mission is painful but still very doable. Xcom: the team is half as big, three times as strong and aliens are at least two times as many depending on the mission. Here the aliens "zerg" you but are easier to pick off. On mission there are no minor losses and still achieve victory without highly experienced backup. X-com: map sizes in addition to reduced enemy numbers encourage players to recon, ambush and widely flank opponents. Xcom: "teleporting" alien patrol spawn points, one free turn cutscene move on first contact, constricted map sizes and increased enemy patrol numbers discourage all tactical gameplay listed above. It also slows down to a crawl what is already a slow game especially on the highest difficulty settings for the same reasons.
Try Marathon mode.
Why? So I can do more boring combat missions where nobody can touch me as soon as I got a squad of well equipped and leveled up units.
No, you didn't have access to hybrids, you had psi, and you could hire borgs or robots or whatever they were, but the mechanics of your borg were entirely different than they will be in EW. Still, whether it's been done before or not doesn't really change that it should be exciting to have new options.
I'm not really sure what point you are trying to make with these comparisons, but you seem to contradict yourself when you say that you should both zerg and recon/ambush/flank at the same time. Beyond which the prime cheese in the OG (old game) was to just blaster bomb the map and then have some guys with plasma rifles shoot across the entire map killing anything which didn't die in the bomb barrage.
As for the NG (new game), I'm not sure what difficulty/2nd wave/mods you have tried, but there are combinations of those 3 which make for rather exciting and highly tactical missions. Not every mission turns out that way of course, but enough do to keep you on your toes. Or if you just want to overwatch camp for an hour that's your call, but meh, it's really not that different than some of the less interesting, though still effective tactics in the OG. Anyway, there are bomb missions and escort missions, along with the base invasion and battle ships where the 'normal' tactics simply don't apply. Maybe there should be more of these missions, but at least they are there. OG missions were barely varied at all, and the 'random maps' were not nearly as 'random' as people want to make them out. Throw in the last alien hiding tediousness and I can't even be bothered to play the OG (or it's brethren) anymore. But, to each their own. If the NG isn't for you that's fine, stick with the OG if you prefer it.
I get that the games have different mechanics, but my point was that the actual gameplay in both is still fairly forced. Of course anyone is free to prefer whichever game play they prefer, there is no 'right' answer there.
However, wishing the NG were just an updated OG misses the point that the creators wanted to make something different. The story is completely different from the OG, the alien motivation, the reason for why they do what they do. Like it or not doesn't change the fact that trying to criticize it because it's not the same as the OG is going to just sound foolish because it was never intended to be that.
In any case, if you want a dozen missions a month get the Long War mod and play with that. It does make the NG play very very differently than its vanilla version, and it may give you a few more areas which are more similar to the OG. Ups the max sqaud size to 8 as well, but also ups the numbers of aliens, and upgrades the aliens giving them some of the same perks your soldiers get to make certain 'easy' scenarios suddenly become much much more difficult. Especially when you pop 2 pods of 5-8 mutons/floaters/thin men and realize you can't just level them all at once with a couple rockets. It's stated goal is to not have every mission winnable. Meaning you better realize this and sound the retreat before you just get squad wiped.
We want an updated Xcom EU because that game is better in all aspects except graphics and UI. That is only reason. New Xcom is a fine game of its own, but it is not near the quality of the original.
Agree to disagree then. I find the old game broken beyond redemption at this point and the new game highly enjoyable once you start exploring 2nd wave options and mods.
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