I was wondering is there a way in any of the 3 parts of Galciv2; Dread lords, DA, ToA to use the dread lords race as your race? I've seen on a cheats and keyboard shortcuts page that with some glitch while using cheats you're able to be them. But when I tried this in the "sandbox" mode as they said. I've even tried the Dread Lords on Parade mode and neither of them worked. When I used the cheat I only either took a planet/starship or the dread lords surrendered to me. I never actually became the Dread Lords. If anyone would be able to show me how to perform such a task, I'd appreciate it. Thank You!
save a blank custom race, change the race ID to 23 in the raceconfig file it makes, enter game, click reset, ???, lose profit.
I was able to get into my custom race config. However, I couldn't find the spot where I would be able to change my race ID. On the other hand, I made my custom race (Saiyans, Leader: King Vegeta) EXTREMELY POWERFUL. They are gods of galciv2. But I'd still be interested in using the dread lords race. Any help's appreciated. Thank You!
RaceID should be the second line after the name of the race (or simply the 8th line from top) in the .raceconfigxml-file.
However, keep in mind, that the DL work quite differently. For one, they don't earn any money from taxes, but still pay maintenance, so you will have to use cheats to constantly give you money. The other thing is, that they are limited to a population of 5 million per planet. This means, that other races can relatively easy conquer your worlds, if you don't protect them.
Edit: Sorry, double-post.
Yeah, I noticed that...is that why they stall minutes after appearing?
The DL periodically get money when played by the AI, which means, that they will never get broke.
The main reason for why the DL are so non-threatening is, that they need time to build up their infrastructure first. A lot of time, because the buildcost for the Industrial Sector is very high in the vanilla game.
The other two big reasons for why the DL are not as good as they should be are 1) their AI, and 2) their tech tree. Well, rather that their tech tree gets limited by what major races are in the game (just like it is for the minor races).
Oh, Thank You! I was using a different config file! Dread Lords work great!!!
It is also possible to enable their ship type for normal play as other civs. (Pirate style too)
go to the GCII/ExpansionHere Directory, then go to English and find the shiptypes folder, then open either Pirate or Dread Lords and change "Hidden" at the bottom to 0 from 1.
What's the ExpansionHere Directory? I tried searching it on my computer (Windows 7) and I couldn't find it. I searched English and shiptypes and couldn't find the right folders either. Where do i find the ExpansionHere Directory?
Sorry, that means what ever expansion pack you have.
That should help you find the correct location.
Ultimate Edition files are always under Twilight.
Also, English and Shiptypes are allways under "Data"
Ah, the twilight folder was what I needed since I use Ultimate Edition. All my problems are solved. Thank you, and if I could I'd give you 1,000 karma points!
It worked, for the twlight expansion. I did it for Dark avater and it worked for that too. However, I still can't use the dread lord ship style in Regular galciv2. Anyone know if that's possible too?
Never played just vanilla DLs so IDK.
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