Yet another great example of our corporations outsourcing to take advantage of slave labour and lack of regulation.
This latest fatal accident, coming five months after a fire at the Tazreen Fashions factory killed at least 112 garment workers, is likely to again raise questions about work conditions in Bangladesh: workers told Bangladeshi news outlets that supervisors had ordered them to attend work on Wednesday, even though cracks were discovered in the building on Tuesday. Bangladesh’s garment industry has grown rapidly during the last decade, particularly as rising wages in China have pushed many global clothing brands to look for lower costs elsewhere. Bangladesh has the lowest labor costs in the world, with minimum wage in the garment industry set at roughly $37 a month. Retailers and brands including Walmart, H&M, Sears, Gap, Tommy Hilfiger and many others have outsourced the production of billions of dollars of clothes there. But critics have blamed the Bangladeshi government, factory owners and global brands for doing too little to protect workers with safe working conditions or to pay them a livable wage. Labor unions are almost nonexistent inside garment factories, and a labor organizer, Aminul Islam, was tortured and murdered last year. His death remains unsolved.
This latest fatal accident, coming five months after a fire at the Tazreen Fashions factory killed at least 112 garment workers, is likely to again raise questions about work conditions in Bangladesh: workers told Bangladeshi news outlets that supervisors had ordered them to attend work on Wednesday, even though cracks were discovered in the building on Tuesday.
Bangladesh’s garment industry has grown rapidly during the last decade, particularly as rising wages in China have pushed many global clothing brands to look for lower costs elsewhere. Bangladesh has the lowest labor costs in the world, with minimum wage in the garment industry set at roughly $37 a month. Retailers and brands including Walmart, H&M, Sears, Gap, Tommy Hilfiger and many others have outsourced the production of billions of dollars of clothes there.
But critics have blamed the Bangladeshi government, factory owners and global brands for doing too little to protect workers with safe working conditions or to pay them a livable wage. Labor unions are almost nonexistent inside garment factories, and a labor organizer, Aminul Islam, was tortured and murdered last year. His death remains unsolved.
Even if the peasants rally for better regulations and wages, how much you wanna bet these corps will just move their operations to the next 3rd world country.
aka politicians
Don't let the door hit you in the rear on the way out
Or more bullets, or more non-legally-provable on-the-job-injuries, or more muggings, or the bigotry, indifference, greed, seflishness, carelessness, indulgence, theocracy and other modern social norms of the American culture.
the amount of ignorance is killing me. the big brands are paying some ppl. in the goverment so they dont see the problems and dont do anything. you cannot swing the moral bat while paying someone to not stop it... thats totally asocial. those ppl work under circumstances you wouldnt even concider to work under in your homecountrys. my best friend is indian and he said that his cousin was slapped in the face when he was asking for water... but thank god he will soon move away from india. this country has serious social problems and all we do is bitching like girls but same time let our governments and industries pay the right ppl to not change anything so we can make more profit of it. i mean you really think that usa and all the other western countries would have come that far without exploiting and slaving others? you really think your country got rich by itself? i highly doubt that.
btw: its the same companies and government that gives YOU just a litte litte more to be happy with so you dont start a riot. If you think about it, most assets of you are not even yours. your house and car is the property of the bank.
when i say "you" i mean the average person in the western world, not YOU. i know i will be shitstormed with "but i dont even have a car" and all that. but thats ok. i will respond to everything that sounds upright.
i think the worst ppl on this planet arent those who try to exploit others because those numbers arent the highest. the worst ppl. are those who say "we cant do nothing, so lets not even talk about it" because those ppl. are the majority of our societies. we could now start to talk about how terrorism is created and how the western world especially the usa kickstarted this bullcrap, but i dont think it belongs in here. im just saying,... if i would work under those circumstances and see how my whole familie dies in a hellfire like in india few months ago i would think about how to pay this back to the ppl. in charge. those ppl. were sold for profit, nothing less. and multimillionaires took advantage of it. same ppl. telling you the lies you want to hear to not feel guilty. "we cannot change the whole world" "everyone has to look out for himself" "they just dont want to become wealthy" <=worst of all).
now go on. prove me how freakin wrong i am an how much i am a socialist and hate the "free" world!
The funny thing is everyone seems to be getting high and moral on "clothes". Yet the "blood" is on the very thing that gives them the capability of be so high and moral.. The conditions that exist in the garment factories also exist in all those high tech places that make the computers - or the parts - that allow everyone to scream with outrage. Yet no one seems to want to forgo their computers, smart phones or tablets.
"Today [2006], the United States accepts more legal immigrants as permanent residents than the rest of the world combined."
Now I wonder, could it be the muggings that attract them? Or maybe the greed and no, it must be the bigotry and "modern social norms of the American culture" that get them to come here....
no. the working conditions in the Chinese high tech industry are a multitude better than in the South Asian textile industries. the only thing worse is mining (which of course is part of making high tech as well).
one thing with clothes is that unlike high tech it is so easy not buying from such places. i just checked a few of my clothes. Slovakia, Portugal, Argentina, Turkey, even Norway but no Bangladesh. i probably buy at other places than you do, but expensive clothes are cheaper in the long run anyways.
Capitals are your friend...even if capitalism is not.
We all know the phrase that proves how damn important capitals are.....
"Help your uncle Jack off a horse."
Other than that....I own my house outright....and I bought my car with cash [it's 21 years old]. Reason for both is the same....being socially aware of environmental impact of oversized housing in the outer suburbs...and the land-fill associated with the automobile industry - a dumping ground for fashionistas wanting the latest 'bling'.
Buggered if I can see any relevance to the OP though....
Yea, all those suicides are just make believe.
Hey! Apple had suicide catch-nets there! ....
not at all. doesn't change the fact that working conditions in China are better than in South Asia though.
btw: i am aware this sounds cynic, but in relative numbers there are very few suicides in China. there are people suffering from burnouts killing themselves all over the planet. wouldn't surprise me if relative numbers were higher in the West actually. of course working conditions in China are poor, but that suicide thing has more to do with selective media reporting than anything.
i guess that's a plus for Apple. Microsoft, Nokia, Amazon and many more produce at the same factory and did nothing
The rest just place bets on which one bounces the highest off the concrete.... is sport....
You need something to do when you get tired of swimming around in your money vault a la Scrooge McDuck.
So no one is attempting?
They put a bandaid on the symptom. They did not address the cause.
His whole post was relevant to the OP ...
And I don't mind if my threads wonder a little ...
Good point that needs more awareness. I posted about this already in the Monsters thread
Exactly on point
Everyone wonders.....
But the thread wanders....
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