We have released an updated beta patch as we prepare for the Fallen Enchantress 1.3 patch. Please checkout the following post for instruction on how to update it and a list of changes:
Soo, what happened to 1 post per patch, with separate patch notes?
*Notices my designs was added as standard designs*. I will shaddap...
Sincerely~ Kongdej
As the guy who we thank in the change notes you have more of a reason to ask than anyone.
Since we haven't pushed the patch public I want the majority of our players (who havent tried the beta patch) to have a single place to go to for all the changes. So the 1.3 changelog is a work in progress as we update and add fixes.
Its not a problem, just me wondering is all, and yea I noticed Thank you!
Great! Booting up a new game to see all those lovely AI fixes in action. Hopefully no more unsettled AI's. Looking forward to get nailed by Kongdej's deadly unit combo's.
Is anyone else getting sharing violations when they try to install this?
Nvm I got it working.
It still appears that it no longer costs population to create new pioneers, is this as intended as a retro change back to the way it used to be?
How come Tom Chick is playing the beta and we're not? Srsly.
Having paid for the original Elemental's Collector's Edition (I placed a great deal of faith in you guys), I was kinda hoping that we'd get early access if other people are, too.
You can download the beta of 1.291 right now.
Wish I could Arh well, patience is a sin... oh wait...
Edit: I somehow read the "Beta of 1.291" as a LH beta patch... Wishful thinking.
~ K
Why can't you get it?
I think they are referring to Legendary Heroes. The one guy in the interview mentions playing it.
He's talking about the LH beta.
If we are going to annotate all beta changes in one changelog, do you think we could annotate which ones were added in the latest revision? The last time I checked this thread the changes for 1.291 said "unreleased". Just changing that to "new" would be awesome for me.
This benefits me because I will know what files you mucked with, and it benefits you because I will know what changes to look for in game for testing purposes...
Thank you.
Feedback specifically for FE Ver 1.291:
CoreSpells.xml has changes to majesty spell (added), confusion, cloak of thorns, shadow world (and spell of making). All excellent fixes. Especially the AI victory type for spell of making. In my mod I increased the mana cost, but it's getting there. The spell of victory shouldn't cost 1/5th of Curgen's Volcano. *boggle*
ElementalDefs.xml has changes to min materials yield to tiles with grain (from 2 to 3), and min total yield to show (6 to 7). Both excellent changes, and I've messed with those numbers quite a bit myself.
Thrilled to see Kongdej's units incorporated into CoreUnits.xml. VERY very happy. Thank you for incorporating player work and kudos to Kongdej.
REALLY looking forward to not having the mouse offset in tactical combat. Thank you.
Also really supportive of the balance changes to city buildings. I can't wait to test this out. Please consider my input about the adventurer's guild.
However, still no typos fixed in:
CoreAbilites.xml (all abilities aren't up to date with their spells still)
CoreSpells.xml (spell descriptions vs actual spell effects)
CoreWeapons.xml (Sword of the Glacier..."Vetrar... we will destroy the world!")
CoreFlavorText.xml (If an enemy is particurly vulnerable or resistant to your attack...)
These have all been detailed in posts I've done before, and seem such simple things to correct. I ALSO have detailed typo fixes that you can literally cut and paste from my changelog notes for each file to which I've made adjustments:
https://forums.elementalgame.com/440419 via dropbox link.
I'll repost this in the changelog forum post as well and perhaps my feedback (spell of making mana cost, adventurer's guild changes, typos) will be seen by someone at the home office.
the option fror preordering FE and playing in beta is absolutely fantastic. Can we get that with LH?
Of Legendary Heroes. Not this patch. He said so a few times in his interview with Derek. I get that Tom Chick is media, but we're your fans. Fans that have stuck with you through this whole thing. I paid for all of these games. As I said, even the Collector's Edition of the original. I can guarantee that TC hasn't paid for anything.
If he has the LH beta, I want it too.
Because I bought my way into the FE Beta, I never tried War of Magic.I bumped into a gameplay review (I think it was one of Das videos), And the beta seems only available to WoM pre-purchasers. (Either that, or I am being blind to its whereabouts)
Edit: Nevermind, I can't read, you were talking about 1.291 patch, I am rambling about LH Beta
As far as I know, us WoM pre-purchasers still don't have access yet either.
I want my LH preview just like TOM CHICK got!! I am a PAYING customer who bought the COLLECTORS edition of Elemental:WAR OF MAGIC years ago. I WANT MY PREVIEW NOW! I HAVE RIGHTS! Tom Chick didn't pay for squat and HE gets to SEE LH before "I" DO? THat's some type of BREACH OF CONTRACT....I'm calling my lawyer!
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