I rage quit. I rage quit for many reasons.
1. cap ship wont jump due to alignment bug
2. not getting adequate feed while my opponent has adequate feed
3. Getting sb rushed. I have only ever countered (without feed) with mas lites and cap present.
More on the matter, ogrovs are useless for early game offensive; They suck up more resources than kodiaks and die very quit when sb runs around planet circumference.
4. I try to use Kok's kodiak rush and fail, fail, fail.
Now, I want to end my rage quitting days by getting better. The problem is I CANT! I mean, I could do disc or cobalt spam. I could mix in some vets, but I get bored.
6. I get bored. This doesnt really count as RQ'ing.
7. Noobs not accepting advice and failing like me.
How can i spot this rage quitting addiction? Someone who i s skilled needs to do about 10 1v1 in a row to iron out all the fail.
thank you for reading.
Noob we've played together several times, and generally you know what you are doing, perhaps your problem is you have a very hard time seeing past whatever immediate problem is facing you or the group. Patience and determination are the answer and I'm not sure you can get either from anything someone is going to tell you on this forum.
Just a note on number 7: I hope you don't consider me a noob, but during a game a few weeks ago I was facing Howthe and I actually "rage quit" (the game was pretty much hopeless at that point, and I had made a very large tactical mistake that cost me my fleet). However, throughout the game you felt you needed to micromanage everything I was doing (which is a lot when face to face with Howthe) and constantly were second guessing my moves.
I don't claim by any stretch to be amazing, but you actually frustrated ME with this to the point of quitting. So I guess my advice here is, do your best, focus on what you can do and not what you think others should be doing (yes, advice and tactical discussion is critical, but micromanaging someone else's play means you arent playing your own game the way you should be). Hopefully this helps.
Thanks Book. Your post was insightful and helpful. After reading it and thinking about that game you mentioned and others, ive come to believe my problem is one of anxiety-When I look at other people problems, I dont feel the stress of potentially losing. With my own problmes, however, I second guess my self alot. I usualy want to do something different than what will probly work because of boredom with the same old tactics. I will most likely need to take a break and refresh my interest in soase
Breaks can certainly help if its a constant problem, and believe me I would rather have you on my team than a LOT of other players. Quitting prematurely though can really dent that, as well as your in game attitude. A game should be fun, and MP RTS's like this appeal to us problem solvers who like to pit our wits against others and test our ability to make good decisions under pressure.
Remember, single games are single games, but you are always making a reputation for yourself with how you speak and how you react to others.
your so right. i used to hate red ruby for acting the way i am now, minus the rage quiting. you know what, i apologize to everyone. ive been a douch lol.
I have played with you about 10times or more and about 80% of time , you quit within the first 20mins.
I told my china friends that if you are their opponent, just kill your capital ship and you will quit. Ppl like you are what spoils others from enjoying this game online.
oh ya , kok kodiak rush is a failed strat unless your neighbour is a newbie.
That's pretty harsh. He just recognized what he's been doing and apologized, you don't need to be a jerk to him. It's a game, and he isn't responsible for your enjoyment of it. If you don't want to play with him then don't, insulting isn't helpful.
There is only one person I refuse to play with and that's Jakemac, partly because of his attitude and mostly because he admitted to doing something to cause minidumps in games.
Funny thread. My first impressions of you were as low as possible after you flamed and ragequitted 4/5 of my games, to the point of not joining any of the games hosted by you. However in the last couple of days you are a changed man and i dare say i enjoyed having you on my team lol!
There was one game where i failed and lost my HW and my side of the map, and probably would have deserved all of flame for that (even if was against a tier1 player, was my fault nonetheless tho) and you were helpful and supporttive when perhaps you didnt have to. And the last game you were stuck in the most boring stalemate vs your side enemy and literally had to play safe/afk at your planet for an hour. You probably were bored as fuck but you didnt leave and we won the game in the end. so thanks for that!
So here is hoping for more stable, better, nicer "N88B" from now on!
Good man. In the future, though, don't kodiak rush. Doesn't work once titans are out.
It wasn't harsh but just the truth. And there is not a word of apology in his post, just complains about a failed strat and getting bored.
Reading, try it sometime.
Not on his first post.
I was sad when I read your post.
You banged yourself hard for no reason...
Other than being a *$^&* rager...
This is complete BS. NxxB does not act a bit like this in-game. He abuses and slurs and spews forth profanity in lobbies. I do not play on ICO for this reason, among many others. N88B is an act. Only acts nice on the forums to cover up his bad behavior in game. Perhaps he is intoxicated when he plays. Either way, this must end. I suggest you either stop drinking or get a therapist.
Oh, by the way.
feed games. Sigh
If only the ability to feed was nerfed and team mates didn't feed noobs who use kodiak rushes.
Feed games, not feed games.
Sigh... Not Sigh.
My dear boy
The day I rage quit against howthe will be the day I stop playing this game and sins has a way of punishing even the biggest fleet in the entire galaxy. Even if wailing and 2 levels of the red button is frowned upon.
If that was the case for me, I would've stopped playing sins looong ago...
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