says Blair Fraser in his interview for Rock-Paper-Shotgun in regard to Sins of a Dark Age....what does that suppose to mean? Hopefully not the premature end of SoaSE 2...
I hope so, I hate RTS!
I'd be willing to bet there are more players playing RTS now than there were 10 years ago, 15 years ago, 20 years ago. It is only "dying" in the sense that other markets are growing faster (mobile, moba, mmo, sports games, fps).
Although the amount of titles and expansions coming out has certainly gone down.
When they first came out, I didn't really get why I would want to play them over TBS.It lacked the time to actually think about your strategy and often was not complex enough to make that necessary anyways.StarCraft changed that a littlebit and was quite fun to play in multiplayer.But it soon became obvious, that these games were all about speed. People only played the highest speed-setting and henceforth it was not about who comes up with the best strategy but who was fast enough to actually execute them on the highest speed-setting.When two even armies collide it was all about who could form a good arc right before that happened and who can constanly use all unit-special-abilities at the right time on the right target while withdrawing the wounded units.Only people with very much practice were able to execute this close enough to perfection to compete.What I liked most about them, was that a mulitplayer-match had a very definite timespan. But Moba, which essentially is a RTS, where you control only one unit does the same with a much lower cap to how fast you have to be. Thus LoL's followership has grown way over the one of StarCraft 2.And when it comes to Singleplayer, I still see absolutely no reason, why I would prefer a stressfull RTS over the relaxation that a TBS can give.
This year we have an expansion to Starcraft 2, Rome Total War 2, Company of Heros 2, Distant Worlds Shadows, Planetary Annihilation, etc... coming out this year. Dieing? I don't think so, they sound like the people that say PC gaming is dieing.
Just a way for the developer to justifly making a shitty looking moba game.
Well Starcraft 2 is 2nd biggest Esports title after LoL, so I would not call RTS dying. And on the Hawawaa list new C&C Generals is missing
Speed is important but there is still very deep and complex strategy involved. People who play SC2 at a high level don't just act quickly, they think and make decisions quickly as well.
It's all about "Instant Gratification" these days. Most people that don't understand RTS games say they are "Boring", and take way too long to play. They would rather play FPS frantic point, and click fests. Where you instantly start a game guns blazing, and you have ZERO time to sit back, and enjoy the view.
RTS games are anything but "Instant Gratification". You have to plan ahead, build, anticipate your opponents moves, and counter them. Meanwhile come up with a plan of attack of your own, and execute it. Just like huge games of Chess. Most RTS games are like this. With the exceptions of games like Starcraft. Where whoever can rush with the most units first wins.
Blair may also be referring to PC game market in itself. Consoles are taking over the gaming market, and touch screen "Pads" are replacing PC's. Most PC's i see in the local shops are now "all in one" units kinda like the IMac of the 90's was, and you quite literally can only build a standard gaming PC from parts ordered online these days. The crap in stores just doesn't cut it any more.
It will be interesting to see how PC sales themselves are.
Hahaha, Mr. Fraser would surely love your tactful choice of words, if he happens to read this.
This is an accurate description of Starcraft.
This is not true at all.
I have also been of this opinon for the last few years. True there are still some big sellers but RTS has been bleeding maket share for quite a while and the we have seen a total lack of innovation in this genre for quite awhile. Compared to any other genre RTS has seen far less change and new ideas.
Innovative RTS' are rare, especially lately. Homeworld & Supreme Commander are the only truly innovative Rts I can think of and Planetary annihilation is the only one currently under development.
I think the problem he was trying to point out was that RTS' lacked ambition, as all the big ones are just basically redone older games.
Stagnation than Death.
I thought Company of Heroes was innovative. Why am I wrong?
You're not wrong - it's why CoH2 is happening and why the original had such a strong MP scene many years past its release.
Geez, what is with all the hate from the TBS people. I thought most people who liked strategy games liked both.
I don't particularly like TBS games myself, but then again I don't hate them like these TBS guys seem to hate RTS.
I don't think so. Case in point (for me, at least):
I like RTS sometimes, TBS sometimes. I like combined ones like Rise of Nations and Europa Universalis.
Seems like RTS has hit this wall of "what the hell do we do now?"
Also idk what's with the hate from the TBS guys. I find RTS more entertaining in that you can instantly respond rather than having to wait the turn to do something.
RTS drools, TBS rules!
What hate are you all moaning about?
I may hate RTS games, but that doesn't mean I can't recognize that some of them are very well executed. I just hate them, they are not fun for me to play and I find the mechanics in most of them to be tedious and repetitive. Same as playing FPSs honestly, not my cup of tea.
Again, that's no comment on their actual merits, just that I hate them. The same way I hate eggplant, even though it's a perfectly delicious food to other people.
Nobody was targeting you just that the general "vibe" was a bit of a hate for the RTS genre.
Which I find interesting. Then again this company was somewhat built on the TBS style of games rather than RTS in terms of the game industry alone.
I just find it strange. I mean Total War is probably the most successful TBS series behind Civ, and you have RTS elements in that. And while I understand that some of them can be too fast past or just feel like a management simulator (I couldn't get into Wargames: European Escalation because it was just all tactics to me), I don't really see them as being that different. If you like TBS games but have never ever played an RTS game you liked, I don't think you've really examined the genre closely.
And another point, the OP who posted this was posting from an RTS forum, about RTS and MOBA games. There was no reason to even bring up TBS. To my knowledge us Sins gamers don't go to Elemental's home turf and hate on it.
If we're going to hate on things due to something else being better, RTS and TBS both suck because boardgames are better. You always know exactly what's going on in a board game, while RTS and TBS tend to hide calculations so you are unable to plan effectively. Then, later, someone comes out with a 'strategy guide' which is composed mostly of what should have been in the rulebook to begin with. If you're lucky, it's free. Yuk.
AND! You shouldn't play board games because puzzles are cooler.
And you shouldn't do puzzles when you can make your own ship in a bottle.
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