Legendary Heroes adds a new Champion System, Larger Maps, New Monsters, Improved Tactical Combat, More Spells and Updated visuals
Stardock announced its first expansion pack for its popular fantasy strategy game, Fallen Enchantress. The expansion, Legendary Heroes, adds new monsters, new champions, larger maps, new tactical battle maps and re-imagines the role of heroes in the world of Elemental.
"One of our goals with Legendary Heroes is to tie together the destiny of your kingdom and those of your champions," said Derek Paxton, Lead Designer of Legendary Heroes.
In Fallen Enchantress, champions were recruited through exploration. Once recruited, they could go on quests, acquire magical items, gain experience and choose new talents.
"In Legendary Heroes, the champions seek you out based on your fame," said Paxton. "Your kingdom gains fame through a variety of means and as a result, the player’s affinity with champions is now tied to the choices their Kingdom as a whole makes."
Legendary Heroes also expands on the critically acclaimed gameplay in Fallen Enchantress. For example, new types of monsters such as liches, skeletons and worse begin to appear in the world. New quests, a new scenario and much larger map sizes are now available.
"Players will immediately recognize that the world has changed," said Paxton. "Besides just looking a lot better, the battles are far more intense. Units have a lot more skills to choose from in battle and the maps are much more varied. We redid virtually all of them."
Legendary Heroes features:
Fallen Enchantress – Legendary Heroes is expected to be released in April, but the beta will be starting next month. It’ll be $19.99 for Fallen Enchantress users and $39.99 as a stand-alone expansion.
Kael's FAQs about Legendary Heroes: https://forums.elementalgame.com/439970
Legendary Heroes homepage: www.fallenenchantress.com/legendaryheroes
Select your champion.
Choose your path to determine available traits when leveling up.
Engage in challenging tactical combat.
New Elemental expansion and Age of Wonders 3 announced in the same week. Let's get a Master of Magic 2 and Dominions 4 announcement by Friday and this will be the best week ever.
This question has been asked by a large number of customers on other threads too. From Stardock's silence on the major concern their customers are having, odds are that it is set in stone and that they maybe regretting their decision a little bit.
The other option is that Stardock has seen the outcry of its customer base and is looking for a way to appease everybody. (I'm hoping for this option).
ps. Those steam lovers out there would refuse your story. Impossible for steam to cause problems they say.
I'm throwing my money at my screen but it's not working
Well, the features I wanted the most in FE is finally coming in the first expansion
Spells that modifies the battlefield ! I've been yelling and crying my soul on forums that I wanted those kind of spells to be created since the beta of FE started
So I'm super excited for the wall of flame in tactical battles !
And If the battles are being improved, I'm definitely giving Stardock my 20 bucks ! I'd even give more to this fantastic team as long as I can afford it ! LOL
Well, I hope that Wall of flame will not be the only spell that will modify the battlefield (I 'd like to see earth magic doing this) and modify the strategic map too to be able to seclude yourself if needed with chasm, fissure, walls (not the terraforming spell we already have) and prison spells on the strategic map to prevent a group of units to move for 3 or 5 turns.
Maybe even a spell that would be cast in strategic on a square and modify the tactical battlefield with hazards like hidden mines / walls / craters / fire pits / mountains / and who knows what else ?
Age of Wonders had a cool spell that was creating forest (good and evil) in an area that would modify some units characteristics... this kind of spell would be awesome too.
I hope for city battles and siege weapons (though I'm not dreaming too much, it's probably not going to happen) and maybe naval units but this one will probably be added in a 2nd expansion ! (again not dreaming too much too) I'd love to see more sea related stuff!
I'm super excited for monster champions and still want to see races being able to produce more monsters (like resoln producing spiders which got me totally into it !)
This expansion will rock the world !!!!!!!
I hope that someone's reading this and liking it
Can we expect a multiplayer mode anytime, or should I give up?Don't mistake me, FE is a great game, but without a human opponent, it just isn't enough. These look like some great new mechanisms (especially the de-randomization of champions to make it more of an empire-building thing), and I would love to try them out, but unless some kind of multiplayer is coming (at least some kind of LAN based/email-based thing... no need for fancy servers), I do not think I will be spending any more money on FE.
Okay So I bought two copies of Elemental: War of Magic. One digitally from you guys for my "guest" computer and a collector's edition for myself.
I got one free copy of Fallen Enchantress. Which I would have bought anyway, but was a nice perk. No idea what happened to my second free copy? Not a big deal since there is not Multi-player anyway.
Now I want to buy Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes and I found out I am also getting this for free. Sweet.
BUT from what I read it sounds like people who bought Elemental: War of Magic are getting a free steam key. My free Copy of Fallen Enchantress was through Star Dock and not steam.
So how is this going to work exactly?
Also, so excited cannot wait for this expansion. This is still one of my favorite 4x series to plays. It seriously has a "board game" vibe to it.
Also will free copy people be getting Beta Access in March?
Yes! You guys are circling in on the kill now. Redemption.
Where are you guys seeing the "free" part? All I see is 20$ for existing FE owners.
Click into the "Frequently Asked Questions" (FAQ) and look at answer nr 2.
Sincerely~ Kongdej
Just curious-If we are getting this for free since we supported Elemental by pre-purchasing, does the Legendary Heroes version require FE? Basically I have Elemental, and Elemental FE on impulse-but I really want them on steam. Once I receive a key for steam, it will be the full game (Legendary Heroes + FE) or do I need to have it on impulse where FE is installed? TY!
The LH steam key will be LH+FE.
As awesome as all the development info is, I am quite saddened that we will be required to have Steam installed to play this... I've been avoiding Steam as much as possible and this is not helping. That's basically akin telling us that we will be required to have a constant internet connection. You can set the game to play in offline mode for only so long before you're required to re-connect and verify ownership of the software. This is only one of the issues that I have with Steam.
Thank you!
Thanks for clearing this up! That is awesome!
To be honest other than gui interface issues already listed the only two real complaints i have about FE are the use of squares instead of hexes (or better) and that the patch system does not work on my system so i have to download the full tarball to update. FE was definitely fun to play. I understand the expansion will likely stick with squares but hopefully the follow up games will improve in this area (its an opinion but i always found hexes or better yet octs allowed for better flanking and similar tactics - ala age of wonders.
I also want to thank stardock for making this free to those of us who preordered elemental back in 2010. To be honest I though the map pack would be the second free game and i would not have complained given that I enjoyed FE quite a bit but this is topping on the cake. Having said that I still kind of wish they would tweak the gui a bit and move away from squares
I really don't post often here, but I just felt the urge to log in and express my feelings: Awesome! I pre-purchased War of Magic before its release and stuck by it, even though I was hugely disappointed with the game I always had confidence that Stardock would do whatever it can to make it up to their fans. And considering that I got FE and now this expansion for free (!) does make it more than up.
In my ~25 years of gaming I have never witnessed a company stick up to a "mistake" (if one would call it that) like that and really show their loyal customers how important they are to them. I really don't mind steam (actually I always preferred it over Impulse) and look forward to having Elemental on it. Thank you for your hard work and know that I'll most certainly remain a Stardock fan for years to come. I wish more industry members would act and play the marketing game like you guys do. Keep it up!
(Sorry if this is considered spammy, I just felt the need to express myself. Back to lurking for the next 2 years or so. )
The square instead of hexes is what a french reviewer said it was not appropriate for this time and it should be hexes...
I actually don't mind squares, they remember me of MOM, even if I appreciated the hexe of AOW, I don't think the squares change much.
Just wondering, how would octagons work? You can't arrange them together like hexes, you'd end up with a square in the pattern as well, or is that what you intended?
only reason it really bothers me is the way I "have" to move my characters if I want to optimize line of sight, which wouldn't happen with hexes...
I love square movement. Yeah, I know I'm old fashioned in that regard, but hexes just don't feel right on a 9-pad.
9-pad? whats that?and lol, well its not all that game changing, but as I said, only thing I feel is weird is you see more stuff if you go in a zig-zag path towards your target, instead of a straight line, and it doesn't even cost more movement (well depending on the terrain).
just your keypad.
lol, duh
~ K
Same here, I like squares and I don't think they ruin anything gameplay wise.
But for this new addon, I do really hope for more tactical options and spells that modify the battlefield (earth spells).
You see, if I play a fire mage against a earth mage, I want to shiver and ask myself, am I ready with this army ? Do I have the spells it takes to reach an army who is going to be well protected by the battlefield itself ? I want to be surprised during the battle to force myself to think differently... That's what firewalls will start doing.
And if I'm an earth mage, I want to be able to turn things in my favor by protecting my units with some powerful spells... and I'm not talking about those armors you cast on your units. And I want to have a couple offensive options as well during the tactical battle.
That would be the nicest change in gameplay IMHO and making you think more strategically too on the next step to take to be ready for tactical battles.
Well, it's what I'm hoping for anyway !
Sooooooooooooo....this is yet another freebie for those of us that pre-ordered WoM and we get a Steam key? For real? Daaaay-um.
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