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So two games in the last two days where someone quits because their "Build Order" is wrong!
Did we get a bunch of Star Craft players over the holidays?
4 years of playing sins and I've never seen anyone quit a game and restart for something like this!
I've never seen this before...
And the game is slow enough to catch your mistakes and fix that "build order" of theirs.
Ha - that is funny - there has been a huge influx of new players - I could sort of see this if they built 2 civ labs when they should've gone military but in terms of ships there isn't really that much you can screw up that's irreversible, let alone quitting over. Did their build order involve scuttling their Homeworld by any chance?
A lot of these new guys seem to be SC vets....they have extremely fast execution and good rush tactics that easily rival the top tier players, but their actual understanding of the game and it's deeper strategy is far from top tier...
Hahaha, wrong build order, brilliant. You just have to love epitomizes everything, what is wrong with RTS genre, really...
I have no problem with players graduating from silly games like SC to real strategy games. The community can always use new players and ones that are willing to learn and grow are a welcome addition. Quitting is pretty rediculous though, hopefully soon they'll learn what actually constitutes a "gg" event.
Well as a StarCraft vet(the few the proud the random player) it teaches everything has to be done quickly and with out thought a superior strategy in that game is void because all one needs is superior tactics. My amp in hovers around 30 but in StarCraft I have to get up to almost 350 during peace and up to my top of 720 during battle….needless to say I enjoy sins more because it awards goods choices over fast pace automatic reactions. Many of times (you find this in the lower tier of StarCraft) if you do something novel people in StarCraft will not adapt as quickly from their build order leaving me to say that I would rather have a sins mediocre player to go against the Idra or any of the best StarCraft vets they are just to boring…..
It'll be funny when sins players get sc and start playing everything really slowly and getting massacred
Your sentence structure reminds me of a zergling rush. More punctuation please.
Thats it the player who quit was a zerg! you forget a spawn larva and your whole empire is really it is
Actually, the influx of rts veterans is much better for the game.
Just don't quit the game straight away. This game is loose enough you can adjust to mistakes, even losing (or scuttling) your homeworld in team games.
As a puny TBS player, I will adopt this great wisdom into my next build order...
It's a great handicap for tier1 players.
What about Seleuceia Tier players?
And yet it is one of the most popular RTS games ever. It's an RTS that freakin got people coming out in droves to bars to watch live tournaments (BarCraft):
It actually does a lot right in terms of its online MP client, replay functionality, funnelling and teaching and easing new players from SP campaign to AI skirmish to MP. And's incredibly boring - so in the end I agree with you - it is very unimaginative, uninspired, simplistic, old RTS gameplay - but it gets some stuff right in the execution.
Alt +F4
I'm getting sc soon, I'll let you know how I get on
And this is why we need an official troll list...
well.......we could but then what would a lurker like me have to read? I mean with out riddleking and his crew things just might go dull.
trolls are part of nature like mocking birds early in the mourning sure they are aggravating and learned to mimic burglar alarms in the Neighborhood but they serve a purpose as a constant reminder of what a screw up things can become
accept the trolls seleuceia they are a part of the ecosytem on the forum
There was an official Troll List...I had my own tier...believe me I don't need to be told how important trolls are...
It would be great if the Starcraft crowd could discover Sins. If we only had a tiny fraction of the Starcraft online multiplayer PvP base we'd probably have 10,000 people online 24/7.
I play both of these games heavily though I play Starcraft even more than Sins. There are 2 reasons the majority of the Starcraft crowd won't be interested in Sins.
1. Pacing - Starcraft 2 is a much faster game, average game length is something like 15 minutes with short games in under 4 minutes and the longer games rarely stretch past 30-45 minutes. In Sins, unless it's a very small map it takes a good 15-30 minutes just to get the ball rolling and the game will drag on for 2-3 hours on a medium to large map.
2. Balance - Starcraft has an incredibly polished balance, more than any other game I've ever played. Starcraft has effective counters for everything at all stages of the game (early, middle, late). Sins was pretty well balanced in vanilla and has progressively gotten less balanced as time has gone on. Rebellion has really shredded what balance there was with so many ridiculously imbalanced things, many that are completely uncounterable. It's to the point where special rules are made by the playerbase to prevent some of the more ridiculous things to include banning factions and even specific technologies (wail of the sacrificed, etc). Titans have marginalized frigates and cruisers and aren't even balanced amongst themselves. Building a proper fleet and using proper ship counters is often made pointless by many of the changes in Rebellion. The technology trees are also horrifically imbalanced with many techs being either useless or ridiculously powerful and some factions come out either way ahead by this or way behind.
I like both of these games and I think if the dev team for Sins were to put the same kind of effort into balancing and polishing their game and Blizzard does with Starcraft I'd play Sins more than Starcraft. I really like the slower pacing and the fact that micro and hotkeys and APM with hummingbird on crystal meth timings aren't so drastically important like they are in Starcraft. But there are just so many basic flaws that creep up on a regular basis, be it balance issues, minidumps or just plain mechanics abuses (like Z axis exploits). In the end Sins has a much smaller player base with a terribly primitive online system with no ladder no matchmaker and a craptastic chat system where you can't even see who is in the same chat channel if you are in a game lobby.
So a game that lasts four minutes and the first person not to click exactly the right button at exactly the right time loses is a much more polished and well rounded game? There is no subtlety in SC2, its Dance Dance Revolution with zerg.
Yes, ICO is the worst online interface in the history of gaming, and yes there are some imbalances still to be ironed out, but this game provides so much on both the tactical and strategic levels it continues to have me coming back time after time.
I am sorry, but you have NEVER seen a truely terrible online interface. Yes, it could use some improvements without a doubt, but it is not even close to terrible. It gets the primary job well done, connecting people without trouble most of the time.
It is without a doubt more polished and well rounded. It's also more simplistic compared to Sins and this is a huge advantage when it comes to balance. Sins has so many variables and obscure rules that if they did attempt to balance it to Starcraft 2's level they'd have to work 5 times as hard to not accidentally overlook several things. No subtlety? If anything Sins is far less subtle about how the game is going to progress. One scout can see an entire gravity well and even leave a sensor for continuous information. Empire rankings chart tells you exactly where you are with respect to the opposition. Fleet composition and tactics are typically very easy to predict and a tech switch is easily forseen espescially with the way the new ships trickle out of the factories that are so easily scouted. Starcraft, with it's faster pace is far less predictable.
ICO, while not the worst online interface I've seen, is *definitely* subpar.
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