Today’s the big day. In fact, 2 hours from now 1.0 will go live.
Now, to save yourself pain and aggravation please do the following: UNINSTALL the beta. Completely. That also means go into the my games\fallen enchantress directory and rename it to something else (or delete it entirely). Edit: ensuring that \program files (x86)\stardock games\FallenEnchantress is also cleaned out is a good sanity check from after the beta.
Don’t take any chances. Start from a clean setup.
Thanks, was gonna ask that question.
Sounds like a plan!
So how does it feel, Brad? Are you and Derek hopped up like super-caffeine junkies just on the pending release, alone?
Thanks Brad,
Looking forward to playing the live version!
Will the game file be at the stardock Store for those of us who are receiving the game free of charge?
Has anything changed regarding using our keys to add the game to our steam library? (Previously someone stated it wouldn't work in the beta phase, hopefully something has changed )
So when is the new website going live? I'd like to see the spiffy things you have in store for that.
I thought maybe we were going to do a montage of everyone getting into virtual rank formation.
but I had already modded it!
oh well...
What a ripoff I have to REINSTALL the WHOLE GAME AGAIN? I've already done this THREE times in the past trying to stay up with the BETA and now THIS? THIS IS A BAD WAY TO START OFF ANEW! You know how long it takes to REDOWNLOAD and REINSTALL this 3GB game with only 3.0mb per second download speed and that's at PEAK performance. There's going to be literally thousands trying to redownload and install this game today. FAIL FAIL FAIL.....this will go badly for you in review scores. Just wait and see!
I can't speak for Derek. My biggest worry has to do with reviews. This game, more than most, is going to succeed or fail on them. This is the first game we've done that had a "Reviewer's" branch on Steam and I fear the consequences of installing that over a beta. We saw some of this in the beta where people who had modded their game had technical problems with data on updates. I've seen others on the forum express the same concerns and I share them. We shall see.
But otherwise, definitely excited for the players to get the game. It's not often talked about but there's something around 100,000 people who are going to be getting this game for free and it matters a great deal to me that they are happy with it.
yay ! two hours from ... wait, what time zone am I into ?
Hey, this game is going to come out, and it's going to get great reviews, and very few bug reports, and I will buy it. It's going to be awesome, Brad!
what do ya mean we have to install the game we just bought?!? I've never had to do such a thing, ever!!!! This is ludicrous!! That's it, I demand a refund
All done. I'm ready now. Good luck Stardock.
@FemmeFatal, I am sure your prediction will be just as accurate as your opinion on Torchlight being garbage.
Uh Femmefatale, this is nothing new with betas and a final release. I feel for you if you have a slow internet connection, but what did you expect? This is standard fare for a game's release. But I do enjoy reading mental anguish. It's like chicken soup for the soul. Thanks for that.
Good job for whole developers team! You are truly good, trustworthy company! I`m glad to be in this 100,000 people Brad mentioned.
This game is really fun right now (quite time sucking). I`m looking forward to play campaign today. But I`m most exited about all the future mods (especially that I remember few great one in WoM)!
I am ready too. Sitting on go!
<twiddles thumbs>
For the more technically challenged. What does this mean exactly?
Step One: Unistall Program using Windows Programs Unistall
Step Two: ??? rename and delete what ??????
Any help would be appreciated.
Step one Uninstall
Step two. go into My games find the fallen enchantress folder and rename or delete it.
Sean, don't dignify rants with a response
@KingHobbit: after you uninstall, there will still be a fallenenchantress folder in C:/Users/documents/My Games ( path may not be identical but you should be able to find it ) make sure you also delete this folder after you uninstall the beta.
ok rdy to rumble
" If you order it sooner, it'll be the last Beta (0.99) and it'll upgrade to the 1.0 version"
so was i not to believe this meant there would be a patch from .99 to i being stupid here or did i read that right.
Anyone care to wager on how many "ZOMG!!11! MY GAME WONT UPGRDE!!!@!!" threads we'll see within an hour after release?
I say 5.
I respect this and I am excited for the release. Good luck, I really mean it. I know i've been hard on you and Stardock in the past, but its out of love. Out of love for 4x strategy games and fantasy games and how much I want this game to work and be successful.
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