So we have a problem on ICO...trolls....
I'm not talking about the people who are mean or just general asshats....or even the certain someone who likes the ancient chinese dialect of ALL CAPS...I'm talking about those people who don't quit when they should, or pause indefinitely in smaller know, the people who really ruin the game for everyone...
The games where this occur are absolutely ridiculous...if not all the humans on a team quit, you basically have to kill every planet owned by everyone on that team....on large and huge maps, that can take a very very long time...
Some hosts who are aware of these people and their trolling will often boot them from games and refuse to allow them in....but not all hosts are wary of these trolls or don't want to come off rude...
I am proposing the idea of a blacklist...I'm not looking to ban these people (we've had enough of that around here), but I do think the community as a whole should be aware of these people....those who troll and ruin games for everyone will develop reputations that will have unofficial but grave troll continually, you get get blacklisted, then everyone knows your reputation and hosts can choose whether to keep you in or boot you...
This is not a joke "Official Troll List"....this is a serious effort that unfortunatley has been thwarted at every turn....
There's only about 3 or 4 people that are a serious problem...and actually the presence of even one of those people can cause others to simply refuse to join...booting the players actually would make setting up games easier...but some hosts "don't believe us" or think we are just being asshats and picking on someone when we say "such and such is an uber troll"....that's the point of the list, is that it is backed by many people, not just one or two opinionated people...
I guess I can see your point there about the game hosts not believing something said about a person. A list would give an established reference for them to see. "proof", or as close as you can get to it.
-Twi /)
So let me get this straight..the forum trolls are complaining about the trolling online?
Thats called karma, and NOT the forum kind....
Oh the irony.... Lol
Contrary to popular belief, some of the forum trolls do a lot around here...helping new players, helping modders, balance mod projects, balance discussions, helping noobs on ICO...
It will shrink, and we will remove the trolls that make the game agonizing and painful to play. That is a good thing. I can't tell you how frustrating it gets. Twilight do you play online? I'm going to awesome no otherwise, I think you would realize this is necessary because of what the trolls do in the games angers you and makes you consider leaving the community because of the absurd BS you have to put up with.
I haven't done more than 1 or 2 online games. Sometimes I want to, but there's either nobody on, no open games, or I amsimply ignored.
I am open to a concise list (probably in a new thread at this point) as to what solutions folks have as to the ICO troll problem. I honestly can't say if it will result in anything, but I can add good solutions to my wishlist.
You should play with the modders...ask Goa or Carbon....
I honestly don't know what is best right now...I feel that the ideal solution would simply be a lot of hosts saying "Uhm, noooo, you can't play in this game because you will troll's the boot"...hopefully people (both trolls and would-be trolls) get the point...that a list is even being discussed may make it's away around the MP community and the problem may go away....
Or, the whole thing could turn into a witchunt or vengeance-fest of people trying to blacklist players they simply don't like, and I don't think anyone wants that....
I appreciate Yarlen showing support but I also have hesitations about a banlist being abused. I also think it's something just best self-policed by game hosts. I'd rather see Stardock's efforts put elsewhere rather than worrying about ICO trolls.
I agree....I'd like to try that option first...especially since there is nothing *technically* wrong with refusing to quit a game...
If someone else wants to deal with a different issue (like the ALL CAPS dialect or being being big meanies) then they can, but I'm not concerned with that, that's part of being online....
Use their Level 10 Vorastra to eat subcapitals while their carrier+capital fleet runs around until it needs to bomb something
Something that may work is a review system where you could review players that you've played with. It could just be for noting instances of bad behavior, but it could also include the ability to complement players which have been found to be overall fun to play with. Would take a bit of work but eventually you would have a system where you could look up a player and see what the community overall thinks of the person. This would allow the hosts to do a quick look up of someone they haven't seen before and judge whether or not they would like to trust this person in their game.
I haven't had a ton of time on my hands lately, but i've played with the idea of trying to get a sins community site up and running in order to try to help the MP community grow a bit. I don't think this would be too hard to implement on the site if you guys think it would be a good idea.
We would have to then update the MP nice if it included Steam names, ICO names, and forum names...
I think you should leave me in charge of creating the banlist. I have long been applauded for my coolness under fire, levelheadedness, as well as a an unbiased and polite approach to handling myself on ICO. I would set a good example for anyone new to the scene.
I would like to thank Yarlen for replying to this thread. It motivates me to buy more of your upcoming products.
How often do you play Nightraid? I have never seen you online whats is your ICO name? I really do not want these people permanently banned from ICO. I simply wish to expose their poor behavior and have them kicked a few times. If they act normal again we can welcome them back to the community. But if they refuse to change their behavior, after multiply chances. What ever the community deems appropriate then they get banned from ICO.
Soft hearted wimps who don't have the ballz to stand up for themselves?
Civilized Individuals who don't want to be associated with dirty mouthed low lifes?
Monks of the highest order who consider verbal abuse and ranting an insult to the soul?
Noobs of the highest order that can't take a punch and not cry?
Modders with the most keen sense of smell for trolls because they are trolls?
Veterans who can only exist in a place of harmony..?
The power to ignore trolls such as myself is absent?
RiddleKing play online and get trolled into playing 4 hours games that were over at the one hour mark then make your snarky riddles.
Maybe he's the one stretching out your games with *gasp* smurf accounts!
Did anyone said banlist? I can make one, I have experience running lists. It sounds like loads of fun.
Get out of here, Stalker.
Well said, well said...
I would like to see this new list as well.
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