Chris Roberts--the primary creator of Games such as Privater, Wing Commander and Freelancer is back in action!.
If you’ve made it here, you probably know who I am. Maybe you have heard of Wing Commander and its sequels, or perhaps Strike Commander, Privateer or Freelancer.
If not, you’re still welcome!
I grew up making video games. I sold my first game at the age of 13 and created Wing Commander when I was 21. But 10 years ago, at the height of my career I took a break. Not because I stopped loving or playing games but because I had become frustrated with the limits of the technology at the time to realize my vision.
I decided to pursue my desire to create detailed worlds and tell sophisticated stories in film.
I always said the moment I became interested in making games again was when I was going to come back.
With the power of today’s computers and the reach of the internet I finally feel I have the tools to build the connected experience that I always dreamed of. A world that would be more satisfying and richer than any film I could work on.
With films you tell stories but with games you create worlds.
If you’ve played my games, you’ll know that’s what I love to do.
I’m here to tell you that I have been working on something for just under a year, something that embraces everything that my past games stood for but takes it to the next level.
I hope you’ll be as excited by it as I am.
My new endeavor is still in its early stages but I invite you to take the journey with me.
If you register below you’ll become an insider that will not only give you early access to the game’s website and forums, but you will also get the opportunity for rewards and privileges that no one else will get. It’s my way of showing how important your early involvement and support is.
The full announcement will be at 10am Eastern Standard Time (UTC -5) on the 10th day of the 10th month of this year.
My name is Chris Roberts.
And if you would indulge me I would like to create a world for you.
The link is here (and "42" is what will get you in if you get stuck). Go enroll and let this guy know you are interested--this is the original scfi game maker who broke all the rules and did the things no one else would.
I would pay for this game in advance without even knowing what it was.
I believe the link gives you the chance to be an alpha-beta tester for the game during the next two years. I'd highly recommend it.
I also think it would be fantastic if Stardock and Ironclad sent him a note of support (I'm just sayin'...)
Procedural Planets demonstration Version 2 (Anyone experienced in Starwars modding should like what they see here... 'Specially at the end. )
Edit: Full CitizenCon presentation below.
Just a bump so this thread doesn't auto lock in the next week.
Star Citizen Alpha 3.0 is just around the corner (finally) and with it, delta patching. What that means is the patcher won't download multiple gigs of libraries for each update and instead download only the files that have changed. This is great news for everyone because it means updates client side happen much faster, but also, for those behind metered connections, they can spend less of their cap on updates and more on gaming.
The other big news is facial tracking software that's going into the game at some point in the 3.+ branch. Basically, with your standard webcam and only your monitor lighting your face (worst case scenario for this type of software) it will still be able to pick out enough details of your face to not only register you looking around and thus change your view in game accordingly, but also register your lips moving and display that on your character for everyone else to see in real time. If you smile, your toon will smile. if you frown, your toon will frown. When you speak, your toon will move their mouths emulating this as well.
The part of the gamescom presentation that everyone cares about, the actual gameplay. Jump ahead to 2:07:42 to see a cap ship go boom.
Love that turret view.
My mind is continually bargled by the scope of this game. Holy carp!
I want to believe.
I really want everything this game could be to be reality, but I'm still skeptical. I'm just waiting patiently for the awesomeness, and to dust of my HOTAS...
It's looking pretty good now.
Sure is!
Did some posts get deleted from this thread? I would swear that there was not a gap of nearly a year and a half with no posts in this thread.
I've tried out 3.5 on the PTU and ArcCorp is damn impressive.
this is an old thread.
I, Lord Marshall of the Necromongers, have traveled to the Underverse and returned with a reply to this response:
Talking about Star Citizen is never too old.
The game is looking darn fine nowadays and my greatest pleasure is now seeing done many of the "impossible" things that naysayers used in the past as "proof" that the game was "a scam", "vaporware", etc.
Like crushing your enemies, seeing them driven before you, and hearing the lamentations of their women, this is what's best in life.
I, Lord Marshall of the Necromongers, have traveled to the Underverse and returned with a reply to this response:Talking about Star Citizen is never too old. The game is looking darn fine nowadays and my greatest pleasure is now seeing done many of the "impossible" things that naysayers used in the past as "proof" that the game was "a scam", "vaporware", etc.Like crushing your enemies, seeing them driven before you, and hearing the lamentations of their women, this is what's best in life.
I agree it's come a long way and a lot of the technical hurdles have been crossed, only major ones left are persistence, server meshing and AI work. However, I would still caution people about pledging and only do so if you're willing to accept that money is "gone" much like any Kickstarter.
I'm really looking forward to the new Battlefield game mode coming in 2020. Should be fun whilst the PU and SQ42 continue to be worked on.
Yeah, can't help ignorance so people need to pledge if they want to "contribute" to the game development.
If all they want is a game to play, get the base pack at $45 at the point of the development you think is good for you.
I pledged into this game so developers would start making epic space sims again. Getting to play it is only a bonus to me.
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