I figured that I might as well make this thread to draw any fellow bronies out of the woodwork of the forums. This thread is intended for bronies to discuss all matters My Little Pony related.
Update: The video challenge has its own thread now under the title "CHALLENGE: Video Stare Effect", or something like that.
Update 2: I have now been declared Lord Brony of these forums.
Update 3: Twilight_Storm is the champion of the 127 Hour Pony Picture Challenge.
Update 4: We have our own mod now. Found here: https://forums.sinsofasolarempire.com/438185/page/1/#3296174 Currently a WIP.
Hopefully there are some other bronies out there in the forums.
hey ponies if you were a non traditional person would u boycott the Olympics in 2014? why or why not?
Stop trolling and leave the bronies alone
Wise words.
Certainly the last several posts appear to be that of a troll.
I'd strongly suggest following Fuzzy's advice...
A pony card game. Interesting. What think?
Didn't I link that recently?
Upon closer inspection, no. No I did not. But this seems interesting.
I read something on EqD that said that Hasbro was cease and desisting the people who made the pony Magic cards in preparation for the card game.
A Party Cannon, on the other hoof...
Oh, and in other requests, anyone have any decent WM(L)P skins? I've been looking all over and haven't found any.
hey can you help me...i only joined this site so that you can help me ................ i just got suspended from brony haven and idk why can you tell me how to get unsuspended without having to delete everything .....im so sad that i cant get on brony haven ..... help me plz with pinkypie on top!!!!!! [e classic]:'([/e]
axxo2 ... you were warned.
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