I figured that I might as well make this thread to draw any fellow bronies out of the woodwork of the forums. This thread is intended for bronies to discuss all matters My Little Pony related.
Update: The video challenge has its own thread now under the title "CHALLENGE: Video Stare Effect", or something like that.
Update 2: I have now been declared Lord Brony of these forums.
Update 3: Twilight_Storm is the champion of the 127 Hour Pony Picture Challenge.
Update 4: We have our own mod now. Found here: https://forums.sinsofasolarempire.com/438185/page/1/#3296174 Currently a WIP.
Hopefully there are some other bronies out there in the forums.
I am still here too! Just been a busy pony lately with winter coming, had a lotta stuff to get done
Also Borderlands2 has been eating the majority of my gaming time!
YAY!!! BOTA's alive!!!
Dude, I thought you got eaten or something.
-Twi /)
EDIT: It's funny. Fuzzy says cull the ponies, and BOTA arrives. NOW THERE ARE MOAR PONEHS!!!
Oh, and Borderlands 2? Hell Yes. Did you download the mechromancer? It is a total and complete shoutout to bronies everywhere. I am 100% expecting to hear gaige randomly yell "Good boy Deathtrap! Momma's so proud!!!"
No...it's always been 'policy' to respect others' loading-times and not post masses of images. It's more considerate to all to be a little more consevative with your excesses.
There is a point where 'interaction' becomes simply spam.
-.- There are 4 people who view this thread other than our local troll herd, and nobody has complained yet except you.....
We should do something that demonstrates our loving distaste for those who dislike love and tolerance.
-Lord Brony
These forums are not designed to accommodate 4 individuals to the detriment of any/all others. If it's to be a 'haven' for 4 people only you can always find twitter or facebook.
I watch a lot of threads...for different reasons....and to be blunt this topic 'may' attract undesirable people.
If and when that happens this thread will be removed.
Simple solution....play nice and you won't hear anything from an Admin.
You guys might like this one.
Good one. I agree, Twilight is a troll.
Would have posted this earlier, but my TV was kidnapped and I had no monitor. Happy Nighmare Night everyone!!!
Not much longer for season3 ! Pony pony pony!
Me and the bf are gonna do a season 1&2 marathon this weekend :3
Yeah.... ME!!!! Well this bunch of pony pathetics think I'm undesirable.
I thought you were gonna stop trolling us?
That was a troll, wasn't it...
On another note, who's getting the comics that IDW is making?
I did! I mean, it's not like I'm in here every other day, is it!
And I'm not trying to ruin anything, am I?
Anyhow, peeps, I got some banning to do... see ya's.
Most recent incidence of multiple image issues.... read comment #20 [assuming your IE9 didn't crash].
Spammed images do cause problems, hence the policy restricting it/them to within reason.
Jafo: So is there a thread/other location with the forum policies written down? I looked a few days ago but couldn't find one. If not there should be. just telling people when they break a "rule" seems like an ineffective strategy.
And Oddski, I'm more of a fan of just the show. If something happens to find its way to me, sure, but I'm not really into the whole merchandise area. (And I don't mean just with MLP)
Quaintly it's not written down...simply advised on an as-needed basis. [It's not common, and 'most' people are willing to comply without extensive dialogue]. Spam is mass-postings from an unauthorised source. By definition multiple offsite embedded links [images] fit this description.
I get that. And I guess we'll just be having larger amounts of individual picture posts spread over a longer period of time.
Yes, that'll work just fine...
And so the great war came to an end, all sides willing to seek peace after the not so bloody conflict became un-desireable.
Not so bloody?
Yeah...I gess I asked for that one...
Just be thankful it isn't a scene from Cupcakes.
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