I figured that I might as well make this thread to draw any fellow bronies out of the woodwork of the forums. This thread is intended for bronies to discuss all matters My Little Pony related.
Update: The video challenge has its own thread now under the title "CHALLENGE: Video Stare Effect", or something like that.
Update 2: I have now been declared Lord Brony of these forums.
Update 3: Twilight_Storm is the champion of the 127 Hour Pony Picture Challenge.
Update 4: We have our own mod now. Found here: https://forums.sinsofasolarempire.com/438185/page/1/#3296174 Currently a WIP.
Hopefully there are some other bronies out there in the forums.
Well, it's official. I am now King of the SoaSE Brony Outopost.
I hope you Bronies are kids...
finally some one reasonable! and yes i also hope they are kids....
Unfortunately the majority of the "brony" community are 15+ males
A lot of them are 18 or older.
15+: suspicious but they still have a little bit of time to get serious , 18+ alright then 4 sure something is not right...
One of our Stardock peeps is a furry...
Which one, I must get him to join our brony community.
Lol if this is really your first time running into this on the internet, you've been lucky.
I do believe their are some of the 18+ crowd who do innocently like the show. However I'd also believe a good chunk of bronies are also furries in the weirdest sense of the term. When someone finally funds a college dedicated to studying internet culture perhaps we'll get some reliable statistics but until then who knows exactly what the proportion is.
That said, I believe all bronies could do with less friendship and more pew pew.
I am thoroughly convinced that the atomic bombs
dropped on Japan has changed their DNA to something unimaginable. Was that Japanese version of the Village people.
After watching said video, I had to watch some Hentai tentacle porn to counteract what my poor eyes saw. Sin, if you ever post anything like that again, I will have to use a particular set of skills to hunt and find you, and smash your fingers with a hammer!!!!!
Look, you gaggle o' Brony-Haters need to pack your sack of opinions and half-baked theories and carry 'em someplace else.
Well then I got one for you GoaFan:
I honestly believe that some punks that run their mouth about things they don't really know a rat-squirt about genuinely think they're saying something useful and helpful. However I'd also believe a good chunk of punks that run their mouth about things they don't really know a rat-squirt about just like being judgmental little know-it-alls who enjoy talking down and bad-mouthing people they don't think will push back, in the weirdest sense of the term. Well big man, I'm here to tell you that I'm a 38 year old man that isn't into furry sex or fondling little kids. I also don't like nasty little smart-mouths talking smack about my buddies.
My girlfriend and I both enjoy My Little Pony, and if you can't get past the cuteness to see the smooth animation, excellent voice-acting, original soundtrack with catchy songs and well-above-average plot lines and character development...then I'd charge that you don't know what a "good" cartoon actually is.
Either way, we'd all be a lot happier if you guys would just go bother somebody else, if you'd be so kind.
Let's get everybody in a better mood Pinkie Pie!
well nothing against these little cartoons (this is my first time seeing so many colorful horses- and hearing that this is a cartoon) the weird thing is tho that people are obsessed with the images of them... maybe i have a different mind set (im not american) but to me its weird that a 40+ year old would be obsessed with little horses- NOTHING AGAINST u... i just find it interesting where i am from its very uncommon i guess im being exposed to a different sub-culture perhaps? or different mind sets.. again nothing against people liking horses!
and goa77 was just explaining things to me and not bothering u! im just trying to understand your point of view and thats all
This ^^ plus sheep sheers and a hot crochet needle up the nose will cleanse these forums of furries.
Damn Funk, you need to settle down or all that static your rayon-polyester horsey suit is generating will blow up your computer.
Black Stallion > Brony
@ Axxo
Wow dude, you almost down under...The internet has truly made are planet small, anyway just crazy American stuff.
My Little Pony is based on a toy line from back in the 80's that also had a cartoon show that has enjoyed a resurgence of a new show and, as you can see, see new mime gifs of said show...
Heh. My horsey suit is made of all natural fibers, thank you very much. Plus it's very comfortable and ventilated, you know, for all the hot sex...I mean that's obvious. Oh, and it's got tons of flaps all over for easy access so I don't have to take it off to go poopies or access my nipples...which you really need. My girlfriend's suit has a Syberus(sp?) built into it so the fun never stops!
Worf is not permitted in this thread. No Klingon warrior would touch this topic with the business end of a photon torpedo.
Hah! I bet Worf would be a huge fan if he gave it a shot. He strikes me as a Flutter Shy kind of klingon.
Worf's shy nature and high voice would seem to agree with that statement.
They hate Tribbles; they would be into ponies only as a roast.
I thought that Pargh'kahn was the preferred Klingon roast.
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