I figured that I might as well make this thread to draw any fellow bronies out of the woodwork of the forums. This thread is intended for bronies to discuss all matters My Little Pony related.
Update: The video challenge has its own thread now under the title "CHALLENGE: Video Stare Effect", or something like that.
Update 2: I have now been declared Lord Brony of these forums.
Update 3: Twilight_Storm is the champion of the 127 Hour Pony Picture Challenge.
Update 4: We have our own mod now. Found here: https://forums.sinsofasolarempire.com/438185/page/1/#3296174 Currently a WIP.
Hopefully there are some other bronies out there in the forums.
This could have been done better, but I kinda liked it anyway:
-Twi /)
LOL. Did you get the ScootaShark from LoCeri? That guy is bloody hilarious.
-Lord Brony
Yes it is!!
so Smile!
I don't remember who posted it. But I was around page 106 ish of MLB.
I'm so doing this:
YES. I was wondering if we should start another match of glorious internet combat this weekend.
Sounds good to me. What'd you have in mind?
Maybe trying a real MP match. Or more comp stomping. If we can get the modders to actually show up this time...
Hey, to be fair, half of Goa showed up last time.
More like a quarter. He got booted cuz of lag, and then we started a new match. Have they announced a specific date for Season 3 or is it still just some unspecified time in November?
I thought it was supposed to be the 6th.
My bad. According to the last I saw on MLB it's the 10th, not the 6th. Still, it's an official date.
There's an ancient rule that predates all of you that multiple images in one thread post is spam and not acceptable.
In other words ....interact....reply....but don't post tirades of dross, not if you want to continue to interact....
Where are the Space Ponies?
I only popped in to see if all you pony pathetics were still here, and look.... here you all are... Jafo and Fuzzy Logic, too.
That makes me sad. Starkers has turned to simple insults now. I miss the days when he had wit and used said wit with verve and flair. Maybe Starkers has been pod-personed, or possessed by a chaos demon.
This one's for Ryat...even though he only ghosts here.
Jafo: If you are going to edit my posts, at least make them make sense...
That's kinda creepy.....Jafo is editing our posts now?
Can't you just email each other pony pics? sheesh
No-one said you had to come look at this post. If you must look at these pictures that are apparently abhorrent to you, then rest safe in the knowledge that they are good for your heart.
Try to help... oh well.
Apparently. He removed the video I commented about in the first place, and all the pics except the one of Trollestia...which was honestly the least funny of the whole bunch...
I will take this as proof that Jafo is trolling us all.........
Methinks it's time for a pony cull...
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