I figured that I might as well make this thread to draw any fellow bronies out of the woodwork of the forums. This thread is intended for bronies to discuss all matters My Little Pony related.
Update: The video challenge has its own thread now under the title "CHALLENGE: Video Stare Effect", or something like that.
Update 2: I have now been declared Lord Brony of these forums.
Update 3: Twilight_Storm is the champion of the 127 Hour Pony Picture Challenge.
Update 4: We have our own mod now. Found here: https://forums.sinsofasolarempire.com/438185/page/1/#3296174 Currently a WIP.
Hopefully there are some other bronies out there in the forums.
Really? Nobody gets the reference? Am I the only one here that watches Anime?
-Twi /)
Me gusta.
-Lord Brony
I want season 3 nao!!
There may be a shortage on bacon soon. Might have to switch to horses/ponies....
Not sure there's a lot of crossover between super manly anime (even if it's no Hokuto or Ippo) and ponies.
I would accept that as an adequate excuse, but this particular one was done very well, and is one of the major scenes.
You've turned!!! FUZZY!!!!!! GET TF OUT!!!!!!!!!
See.. another one out of the closet. You are next starkers!!
One of us! One of us! One of us!
Why would he get out if he is ONE OF US?
What's wrong with closets, they are comfy and warm!
But Starkers inhabits several at once
Inhabits or embraces?
Starkers invites them to make cupcakes, and then turns them into baked bads in his basement.
Hey, BOTA99, you interested in this?:
We're trying to set up a 3v3v3 with the modders, MP pros, and Bronies. Should be fun. So far it looks like just me, Oddski, Seleuceia, and GoaFan though.
I think Zombiesru5 might be up for it. Check out the Modders MP Organizer.
I dunno... Would have to know a set time in advance before I could committ.
We're working on that. post what time you have available on the other thread and we'll work it out.
That zombeh horse has it's guts showing! O:
A stream of the pony fighter that happened on my Twitta feed.
I just saw a Rarity Raging Demon. Game actually looks good for a low-budget dojin.
Fighting is Magic is coming along well.
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