Jordan Weisman, the creator of Shadowrun, is back and Shadowrun Returns (for Apple & Android tablets and PCs) is the game that Shadowrun fans have been waiting for a long time. A graphically rich 2D turn-based single player game with deep story interaction, meaningful character development, and highly-contextual tactical combat, Shadowrun Returns is not only going to make some old geeks (like us) very happy but it will introduce new players to a dynamic gaming universe that is beloved around the world.
They have a Kickstarter project: Only 60 53 42 39 18 11 6 0 hours left to back it. For $15 you will get (by means of digital distribution) a full game on release (estimated delivery: Jan 2013).
I've never played a Shadowrun game (video or pen&paper), nor read a Shadowrun book, but this world sounds very exciting: "The game world’s origin story mashes-up the dystopian Cyberpunk future of a Blade Runner with the high fantasy creatures and races of a Lords of the Rings in an organic way that produces iconic characters, environments, and situations."
edit: So the project has been successful. They've got $1,895,772 (including PayPal donations) (they wanted only $400,000). Nice. Now we wait for the full game.
I have the original RPG book for Shadowrun still, though I don't really play pen & paper RPG I was sucked into the universe. I've read the novels they released and played (still have) the Sega version of Shadowrun.
Would love if an old school 2d RPG to come out that's set in the Shadowrun universe.
Never heard of kickstarter before, but glad to see they exceeded their goal. Sorry, no pledge from me though...
I loved the shadowrun setting, didn't care much for the game itself. Hopefully they can make it a great game.
True the game was sub-par at best. But like a bad movie I was drawn to it
Crowd funding is a very interesting idea. Look at all these games (can still be founded) and these (already founded).
Speaking of Shadow Run RPGs ... it really makes me want a 40k 4X for some reason.
maybe some 1 make mod for FE (like this game or chaos gate)
i played th shadowrun on xbox 360 demo....i might have to look into this.....
Bump. Only 11 hours left to back the project.
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