a high fantasy mod pack for FALLEN ENCHANTRESS by Heavenfall, with help from EviliroN and jshores.
(Stormworld has also been converted to Fallen Enchantress: Legendary heroes in Children of Storm)
Wiki with installation instructions
And they forged counterfeits from our frame, creatures vile and
obscene, who hungered only for violent congress. These beasts they
loosed upon the land, where they multiplied, no matter how fierce
the Ishroi hunted them. And soon Men clamoured at our gates,
begging sanctuary, for they could not contend with the creatures.
"They wear your face," the penitents cried. "This calamity is your
issue." But we were wroth, and turned them away, saying,
"These are not our Sons. And you are not our Brothers."
from the Isûphiryas (Great Pit of Years)
R. Scott Bakker
Champions (no Wiki pages)
CreditsVarious people have helped with different bits. I have tried to include everyone who have made more than a "comment" in the past. If you feel your name is missing, contact me. seanw3 - spitballing and feedback EviliroN - proof-reading and ideas jshores - tiles and ideas Aeron Astari - art for Reliquary items RavenX - skin for elves and zombies Murteas - Quest Wizard, Logos for Elves, Living Stone, Gnomes, Frost Giants, Lizardmen fsemprini - Icons for Reliquary items
3d models attributions:
Bow of the forest - "reliquary_bowofforest.hkb" and "reliquary_bowoftheforest.png" by Gabriellanzer:
Pollaxe - "reliquary_hache.hkb" and "" by Clarabox: sword - "reliquary_ancientsword.hkb" and "" by Aquila:
Crossbow - crossbow.hkb and crossbowskin.png. Released by Lamoot:
3d models attributions released under Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0:
Venusians - mesh_venusian.hkb,, by thecubber:
Kami - all files in /Kamiguard/ folder, all files with kamiguard_* filenames. Made for Ryzom MMO
Faerie - all files in /Kamiforet/ folder, all files with kamiforet_* filenames. Made for Ryzom MMO
Darkwasp - all files in /kitinvolant/ folder, all files with kitinvolant_* filenames. Made for Ryzom MMO
Gasques - all files in /Ryzom_Gasque/ folder. Made for Ryzom MMO
Ryzomshields - all files in /Ryzomshield/ folder. Made for Ryzom MMO
Ryzombracers - all files in /Ryzombracers/ folder. Made for Ryzom MMO
Vampignon - all files in /Vampignon/ folder. Made for Ryzom MMO
Electroalg - all files in /electroalg/ folder. Made for Ryzom MMO
RyzomCrustacean- all files in /RyzomCrustacean/ folder. Made for Ryzom MMO
RyzomGibbai - all files in /RyzomGibbai/ folder. Made for Ryzom MMO
Ryzomshark - all files in /ryzomshark/ folder. Made for Ryzom MMO
Had a chat with seanw3, he's running small maps now as well to avoid the memory issue in unmodded games.
Uh, not really related to the still in Beta mode mentally...but really?.. a mod already? And with apparently a bunch of 'stuff'? I'm suitably impressed (don't get to use that word often).
Is it really that easy to mod now? (Not to take anything away from the mod.) I just honestly didn't think to see anything like this for months after release. Credit to team if modding is going to be simple enough and stable enough for people to shape FE as they feel.
If I didn't have a roaring migraine I'd read more about this one...I like the models and how they 'fit'.
The XML of FE is incredibly well formed and easy to understand - much better so than data-mods for Civ5 for example. They have obviously spent a huge effort on making the XML be understandable and it follows clear logic mostly.
This mod is fairly large, it has over a thousand files of which 400 are graphics files (not data). Many hundreds of hours have gone in to creating models and XML and "fluff" (lore). Some of it is re-used material from a similar mod I and others made for the predecessor Elemental:War of Magic.
PS. With respect to those that have helped, I would not consider this mod a "team" effort. I have probably contributed with 95% or more of the contents/manhours (not counting Stardock of course). And I do it simply because I enjoy bringing "life" to my imaginations.
Yeah, I've just had an interesting unmodded game ruined by this. Going to switch back to smaller maps for a while.
If you still have the saves from your unmodded corrupted game, please make a thread about it with the file so they can fix it.
Will this mod work with the summons, ivory towers, & beastmaster mods (the three Seanw3 had mentioned all working together, I think these were the ones)?
Don't know yet, they're not done. But we both aim for making them work together.
Yeah, I added them to one of the existing threads (this one) but I can create a new one if that's more likely to be seen.
Nah I think that's fine. Hopefully they can fix it.
I started playing a fast-paced, small map game as the Shadows, against the Golems, Undead and Centaurs, and it's running incredibly smoothly, with the four races closely balanced (there's a 20 point power gap at the moment between the Centaurs, who are strongest, and the Undead, who are weakest). I love the way the Shadows look and play and haven't encountered any problems with them.
The other races are performing strongly too and don't seem to be having any troubles I can see. The Centaurs have been dominating throughout and easily conquered the darkling wildland city Deorcnysse, which is right on the edge of my territory. I'm about to go to war with the Golems, so I'll find out more about what they're capable of soon, but they seem to have built up three very solid cities and have massed some strong troops. I know least about the Undead as I haven't been able to get far into their territory.
The only bug I have seen is that on the diplomacy screen the Centaur sovereign seems to be missing his lower body - his head's somewhere near the bottom of the screen rather than the usual height when I talk to him.
I was hoping to get a look at the new injuries & give some feedback, but no Stormworld champions spawned near me, just men and fallen - I'll have to see if any of my rivals managed to recruit one.
Thanks for the feedback! I'll fix the diplomacy thing for next release.
Uploading 1.3d
Those changes look great - my next game was going to be as Gnomes but I might have to give Frost Giants another go now to try out Towering Lords...
Uploaded 1.3f, the folder structure was wrong in 1.3d.
what happened to 'e'?
you had a 'd' then a 'f'
btw I am still playing with large maps 8 sides and have not had a crash on my 32gb ati video win7 64 bit gaming beast
It is lost to us.
"Six!? What happened to seven?"
"Just kidding!"
Uploaded 1.3g
Something I'll be doing with the champions mod is put in races that were considered as factions, but ultimately didn't make "the cut".
Lizardmen: Planned as slavers, ended up practically identical to Magnar faction. The Magnar faction is obviously modelled after them.
Wolfmen: Planned as a barbarian leather-only faction, scrapped because it was too similar to Centaurs.
What about a Team Edward faction?
Mother of god I was only kidding. Also, I thought Edward was the wolf. Hard to stay awake during these kids movies.
Oh i don't know, I don't watch that stuff. I just googled team edward and copied the first face to show up.
Starfarers: The Lovecraft-ian faction. Scrapped because the XML didn't work out, and I couldn't get the animations to look good on the tendrils. Originally the idea was to have them as the super-dark faction that would turn all passive attacks (fire, attack, cold, lightning) into a special kind of Chaos damage (rendering all magical resistances useless). Great spellcasters, causes insanity, that kind of stuff. Inspired by the R'lyeh faction in dom3, the sovereign would have a special spell that enabled him to travel outside the physical dimension and try to recruit various horrors.
Someone fly this man to Stardockia. That is simply an epic villain.
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