a high fantasy mod pack for FALLEN ENCHANTRESS by Heavenfall, with help from EviliroN and jshores.
(Stormworld has also been converted to Fallen Enchantress: Legendary heroes in Children of Storm)
Wiki with installation instructions
And they forged counterfeits from our frame, creatures vile and
obscene, who hungered only for violent congress. These beasts they
loosed upon the land, where they multiplied, no matter how fierce
the Ishroi hunted them. And soon Men clamoured at our gates,
begging sanctuary, for they could not contend with the creatures.
"They wear your face," the penitents cried. "This calamity is your
issue." But we were wroth, and turned them away, saying,
"These are not our Sons. And you are not our Brothers."
from the Isûphiryas (Great Pit of Years)
R. Scott Bakker
Champions (no Wiki pages)
CreditsVarious people have helped with different bits. I have tried to include everyone who have made more than a "comment" in the past. If you feel your name is missing, contact me. seanw3 - spitballing and feedback EviliroN - proof-reading and ideas jshores - tiles and ideas Aeron Astari - art for Reliquary items RavenX - skin for elves and zombies Murteas - Quest Wizard, Logos for Elves, Living Stone, Gnomes, Frost Giants, Lizardmen fsemprini - Icons for Reliquary items
3d models attributions:
Bow of the forest - "reliquary_bowofforest.hkb" and "reliquary_bowoftheforest.png" by Gabriellanzer:
Pollaxe - "reliquary_hache.hkb" and "" by Clarabox: sword - "reliquary_ancientsword.hkb" and "" by Aquila:
Crossbow - crossbow.hkb and crossbowskin.png. Released by Lamoot:
3d models attributions released under Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0:
Venusians - mesh_venusian.hkb,, by thecubber:
Kami - all files in /Kamiguard/ folder, all files with kamiguard_* filenames. Made for Ryzom MMO
Faerie - all files in /Kamiforet/ folder, all files with kamiforet_* filenames. Made for Ryzom MMO
Darkwasp - all files in /kitinvolant/ folder, all files with kitinvolant_* filenames. Made for Ryzom MMO
Gasques - all files in /Ryzom_Gasque/ folder. Made for Ryzom MMO
Ryzomshields - all files in /Ryzomshield/ folder. Made for Ryzom MMO
Ryzombracers - all files in /Ryzombracers/ folder. Made for Ryzom MMO
Vampignon - all files in /Vampignon/ folder. Made for Ryzom MMO
Electroalg - all files in /electroalg/ folder. Made for Ryzom MMO
RyzomCrustacean- all files in /RyzomCrustacean/ folder. Made for Ryzom MMO
RyzomGibbai - all files in /RyzomGibbai/ folder. Made for Ryzom MMO
Ryzomshark - all files in /ryzomshark/ folder. Made for Ryzom MMO
You wouldn't be hiding it. It would still be in edit history for anyone interested. Anyway, up to you.
Is there anything you do with roads that is specific to the mod? I don't think I've had repeated crashes at a certain time in the game without mods installed (that I can remember, anyway).
The only thing I can think of is that centaurs create special outposts. That's all.
Could it be that a special outpost was created on top of an item the human player would not be able to build on, and the game can handle regular outposts being built like that, but not the centaurs' ones?
Honestly even saying it's a road is a wild guess. It could also be the angel units missing a <DisplayName>. I can't really help, sorry.
Hopefully the problem will resolve itself in beta4.
I mean, how do you find an error like that when you have 1000 files in a mod? Any value in any file could be wrong, or even missing. Or it isn't even a problem with the mod, but you won't see it in vanilla either because X is not fulfilled in vanilla. With no insight into why a game crashes, there's nothing I can do unfortunately.
I am curious, those of you that played the mod - do you prefer the races as I set them up? Or would you prefer the races to be modelled after the vanilla races? The difference would be that they'd basically be graphical replacements of the vanilla factions (also you'd be able to make custom factions from them).
I like them as they are - I like the uniqueness of them and their differences from the vanilla factions. Wouldn't want them to be more like the existing races & feel no need to make custom factions from them when there's already plenty of new stuff to explore. Each of the new races seems to have a lot of cool tricks and unusual limitations, anything that lessens that is a bad thing in my book.
New injuries for champions from the expandedfactions:
When you are going to update the mod with these? Or since they are just a "nice have" they will be added when you release your next version?
When it's done.
My comment is done...
EDIT: And I've finished editing it.
First up, the injuries look great, and I particularly like the Angel ones!
Secondly, I've been playing a game as the Undead and when I loaded up again, the game started crashing at turn end or at save. Save game is here and debug is here, if they're of any use to you. I was actually very surprised as up to now the mod has been remarkably stable, I don't think I've had a single crash before today.
Thirdly, the Undead have played very smoothly so far but I'm not 100% sure if Crown of the Skeleton King is working as designed. Every time a unit hits the SK, the +stunned and -stunned messages appear in quick succession, whereas the description says that it has a 25% chance of causing the attacker's next turn to be lost. This save should let you fight an Umberdroth and see what I mean, it's from sometime earlier before the crashes started happening.
Hope this is useful!
Hmm, it seems to be the same crash reported earlier. I'll keep an eye on it.
StevenAus, MisterAedan
do you remember if you just before you started crashing with Undead used the Corruption spell to transform a shard?
No, I didn't use the Corruption spell in that game.
And I agree about the Crown - about 95% of the time the Stunned effect is used up without the unit losing any turns.
I think the game crashing on loading roads might be an FE-wide problem - seems it happens with non-modded games too (see At least I think this is an unmodded game, you might want to check.
One other theory is that when you run the game too long in one session it starts corrupting the saves from a certain point (when memory starts to run out). That's only a "slightly" educated guess, but it could be correct.
Ah thanks for the link. I guess it is an issue with the main game then, which is good news because it means it's not my mod, and bad news because I can't fix it.
If it is a memory issue, my mod will cause it to happen sooner however.
I would suggest playing small maps only until beta4.
Yeah, it did happen quite soon in that map. But maybe if you save and reload the executable every half hour it might be okay. Unless it is something cumulative in the save game. Anyway, when are you going to release those race-specific injuries? I'm hanging off starting a new Stormworld game until you release the new version with those in.
Do you have any idea why the Crown's Stunned effect seems to be mostly used up without the unit losing a turn? Is it a modding capability limit or is it a bug?
I'll do a release in a few hours. I need to put some gnome champions in, and finish some other stuff.
The crown of the skeleton king is being moved to the Reliquary (no longer freebie for SK). It had a function copied from the main game that another helm had. I didn't test it, and it's not working. I'll do something new.
Is it going to change name (because it's no longer for the SK anymore)? Also, will the SK get a replacement soulbound artifact?
Yes, and no. Undead are getting a new spell.
Eternal Resurrection
Uploaded 1.3c
Could it be (or contributed by) updating the Stormworld mod without deleting the previous files? I did the last few times (not sure if the warning text file was there before), and maybe MisterAedan did too. It could still be a memory corruption problem, or maybe the problems combined. What do you think?
I think memory is the safest bet.
No, I had deleted the files - and I'm pretty sure I've seen it once in the unmodded game too, although I didn't know what I was looking at at the time.
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